Southwestern distribution maps are up dated semi-annually and were based on information originally collected by Dennis Paulson.
Another source of information are the maps at Odonata Central.
DIRECTIONS: Click on the image of the type of dragonfly you want to identify/learn more about.
Dragonflies are arranged within family by predominant color rather than by genus.
Or just scroll down the page.
The Skimmers and Emeralds are on the first page: use your back button or
click here to access that page.
Dragonflies are arranged within this family by predominant color/patterning rather than by genus.
=!= =!=New 2015 =!= =!=
A Key to Identification of Male Southwestern Darners - BETA VERSION. Please email Kathy Biggs if you can suggest changes!
sizes: large, robust; fast; lengths: 56 - 116 mm
males: brilliant blue and/or green with brown
females: 2 or more forms, one like males; others green and/or yellow
instead of blue; brown and/or purple base
habitats: lakes, creeks, rivers; fields
behaviors: usually seen in flight; patrol waterways but also often
seen catching insects over fields; perch by hanging vertically; oviposit into
floating vegetation; some swarm; some migrate; when cool, blue coloration darkens
5 SW genera, including 18 species:
Mosaic Darners, Aeshna* -
10 SW species
*New research in 2003 split the genus Aeshna
Neo-tropical Darners, Rhionaeschna* -
4 SW species
*New research in 2003 split these from the genus Aeshna
Mosaic &/or Neo-tropical Darners, Aeshna/Rhionaeschna - large bluish eyes; mosaic
pattern; quite similar; upper appendages differ
Green Darners Anax - 2 SW species: large green eyes, both very similar except for Giant
Darner's much larger size; the Common Green Darner is known to be
a mass migrant
Malachite Darner Remartinia- 1 SW species: lime-green and brown
Pilot Darner Coryphaeschna- 1 SW species: large; green and dark abdomens
Riffle Darners Oplonaeschna- 1 SW species: top of segment 10 has a fingerlike projection
Darner exuvia
The exoskeleton left behind
when a darner nymph metamorphoses to become a flier.
How to Identify Female Darners
example: female Blue-eyed Darner Rhionaeschna multicolor - non-male-like color 134-135
To identify female Darners, use color of the line across face, presence (Rhionaeschna)
or lack (Aeshna) of a small bump under first segment, the presence
or lack of paired blue spots on abdomen underside, the presence and/or shape
of thoracic top and side stripes, and the ovipositor length. Use of an identification key is often necessary.
male - AZ
male - AZ
male in flight- AZ
male in flight- AZ
multiple images- AZ
multiple images- AZ
multiple images- AZ & CA
female - AZ
female ovipositing - AZ
multiple images- AZ & CA
male top view - CA
male top view - CA
male side view - CA
male - CA
male side view - CA
appendages - CA
multiple images - CA
multiple images - CA
multiple images - CA
female, non-male like form - CA
young female - CA
male - NM
multiple images - NM
male - NV
male - NV
pair in wheel- NV
female ovipositing - NV
male - UT
female - UT
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
green colored female - CA
exuvia - CA
green colored female - TX?
green colored female - TX?
Blue-eyed Darner Rhionaeschna multicolor
size: large, length 60 - 74 mm, wingspan 86 - 98 mm
male: bright blue eyes & face; line across face light brown, not black; broad blue stripes on thorax sides are uniform in width; two stripes on top of thorax also; abdomen appears
almost all blue when in flight, but is mosaic blue, black and copper;
appendages forked - wrench shaped when seen from side; spots top segment 10
pale and widely separated; bump under 1st segment; 3 cells in hindwing super-triangle
female: facial line pale brown; bump under first segment; pattern on S2 - thin median stripe with thin transverse stripe broken
by a rectangular black spot. T-spot atop frons thin, narrow
similar species: compare to very similar Arroyo and California Darners by appendages, thoracic stripes, size and T-spots
habitat: ponds, lakes, slow streams
SW flight period: all year in the appropriate weather
SW distribution: all Southwest
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - AZ
female side view - AZ
multiple images - AZ
multiple SW images
male - NM
male - NM
pair - NM
female - NM
multiple images - TX
female - TX
male - AZ
Arroyo Darner Rhionaeschna dugesi
size: large, length 70 - 74 mm, wingspan 96 - 108 mm
male: like Blue-eyed Darner but appendages not forked/wrench shaped;
bright blue eyes & face; broad blue stripes thorax sides with the first
lateral stripe widened downward and the second lateral stripe widening
upwards, also a slight extension on top of stripes; abdomen appears almost
all blue when in flight, but is mosaic blue, black and copper; bump under 1st
In New Mexico, the Arroyo Darner has a dusky brown to bright gold band across
the top of the face, and the costa along the front of the wing is sky blue
which helps distinguish it form the Blue-eyed Darner
female: facial line pale brown; bump under first segment; spots top seg.10 closely spaced;
side stripes show slight extension at the top
habitat: pools of mountain streams in pine and oak habitats
SW flight period: April 24 - November 2
SW distribution: AZ, NM
Southwestern distribution map
male - CA
male top view - CA
male side view - CA
multiple images - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
appendages - CA
multiple images - CA
female - CA
female ovipositing - CA
pair in wheel - CA
male - OR
males - CA
male - CA
young male - CA
pair - CA
male-colored female - CA
emerging nymph - CA
exuvia - CA
California Darner Rhionaeschna californica
size: large, length 56 - 64 mm, wingspan 70 - 82 mm
male: small for family; sky blue eyes & spots, immature grayer;
face pale blue with black line; thin pale blue thoracic side stripes curve
slightly backwards; thin stripes or none thorax top; appendages simple,
without small spine; spots on segment 10 closer together than on 9; bump
under 1st segment; 3 cells in hindwing super-triangle
female: facial line black; bump under first segment
similar species: compare to very similar Arroyo and Blue-eyed Darners by appendages, thoracic stripes, size and T-spots
habitat: ponds, lakes, slow streams
SW flight period: February 9 - August 29; most often seen early in the season
SW distribution: AZ?, CA, CO, NV, UT
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
multiple images - AZ
female - AZ
female - AZ
male - CA
male - CA
multiple images - TX
multiple images - Jalisco, MX
male - TX
female - TX
Turquoise-tipped Darner Rhionaeschna psilus
size: large, length 58 - 60 mm, wingspan 74 - 84 mm
male: small and dark for a darner; blue eyes and blue face with only a faint colored line across;
long, wide green or blue stripes on sides and top of thorax are wavy and uneven;
spots on abdomen small and green colored except for blue on segment 2 and sometimes blue spots on 10;
pale blue color on underside of segments 9 & 10 is diagnostic; bump under 1st segment;
appendages simple, without a true spine
female: thorax similarly marking to male; bump under first segment; wings with amber wash at base;
spots on abd. small and green colored; long appendages
habitat: ponds, ditches and sluggish streams
SW flight period: April 11 - January 11
SW distribution: AZ & has been found once in Orange Co., CA (2007)
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
male top view - ID
male side view - ID
multiple images - MT
male - BC
male - WA
female - WA
Sedge Darner Aeshna juncea
size: very large, length 66 - 75 mm, wingspan 82 - 98 mm
male: thorax side stripes relatively broad, straight edged but
tapered, stripes are blue above, greenish-yellow and widest at bottom; face
greenish blue with black line; large, closely spaced spots on segment 10; HW
anal triangle - two cells; appendages paddle-shaped, no spine
female: black facial line; no bump under 1st segment
habitat: slow waters in forested areas; boggy pondsin mountains esp. with sedge meadows
behavior:hovers over sedge meadows
SW flight period: June 29 - September 5
SW distribution: CO, NM, UT
Southwestern distribution map
male - AZ
multiple images - AZ
male top view - CA
male side view - CA
2 males - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
multiple images - CA
multiple images - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female ovipositing - CA
male - CO
male - UT
pair in wheel - UT
pair - UT
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
female, green form - CA
female, blue form - CA
female - CA
female - CA
Variable Darner Aeshna interrupta
size: very large, length 62 - 77 mm, wingspan 89 - 102 mm
male: dark; thorax side stripes interrupted or very narrow; top
stripes very narrow or missing; dark bluish eyes; face pale greenish yellow -
black line; abdomen spots sky-blue, small spots segment 10 more widely
separated than on 9, no spots underside; HW anal triangle - 2 cells;
appendages lack spine
female: facial line black; no bump under first segment
habitat: mountain lakes, ponds, bogs
SW flight period: May 10 - October 23
SW distribution: all Southwest
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
multiple images - AK
male - MT
multiple images - MT
multiple images - NB
male - WA
male top - BC
male side - BC
female - WA
Zigzag Darner Aeshna sitchensis
size: very small, length 54 - 64 mm, wingspan 74 - 84 mm
male: sides of thorax have zigzag stripes; pale yellow face with black
line; HW anal triangle - 2 cells; appendages lack spine
female: facial line black; no bump under first segment
behavior: while most darners prefer to hang perch (vertically) Zigzag often perches flat on rocks/logs
habitat: small bog pools, even moss fens with puddles
SW flight period: Junr 29 - September 6
SW distribution: CO (rare), UT
Southwestern distribution map
male top view - CA
male side view - CA
male side view - CA
male side view - CA
male side view - CA
male side view - CA
male side view - CA
multiple images - CA
male close-up - CA
appendages - CA
mulitple female images - CA
mulitple female images - CA
mulitple female images - CA
female - CA
female ovipositing - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
female - CA
male - OR
Walker's Darner Aeshna walkeri
size: very large, length 72 - 77 mm, wingspan 87 - 100 mm
male: face, thoracic stripes nearly white; clear wings, black veins
& stigma; abdomen spots large, fewer small spots than other Aeshna; no
spots top segment 10, those on segment 9 fused; no blue spots underside;
flared paddle-shaped appendages with small spine; 3 cells hw anal triangle;
flies late in season
female: thin, dark facial line; no bump; jet black stigma; pale spots s9 widely separated, tiny spots s10
habitat: mostly creeks & streams
SW flight period: May 4 - November 29
SW distribution: CA, NV
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
male side view - CA
male side view - CA
multiple images - CA
young male - CA
female - CA
male - NM
female - NM
male top view - CA
male side view - CA
male multiple images - CA
male - CA
male top view - CA
male side view - CA
Shadow Darner Aeshna umbrosa
size: very large, length 67 - 78 mm, wingspan 86 - 100 mm
male: sometimes appears darker, showing less blue than other Mosaic
Darners or as blue as most; frontal thoracic stripe green; straight side stripes are green to blue, with a rearward
extenstion at the top; paired pale blue spots underside of abdomen;
paired blue spots underside of abdomen; no blue spots top of segment 10; appendages paddle-shaped with small spine; 3 cells in hw anal triangle; flies late in season
female: chocolate brown; no bump; pale spots underside
habitat: often flies in the shade
SW flight period: June 3 - February 12
SW distribution: CA, CO, NV, NM, UT
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
male side view - AZ
male top view - AZ
male side view - AZ
male side view - AZ
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - AZ
male side view - AZ
appendages - AZ
multiple images- AZ
female - AZ
female - AZ
female - AZ
female top view - AZ
female - AZ
female & male - AZ
female & male - NM
male - NM
Persephone's Darner Aeshna persephone
size: very large, length 72 - 79 mm, wingspan 100 - 103 mm
male: thorax side stripes broad, parallel sided, yellow; blue eyes;
pale green face, black facial line; sky blue mosaic pattern on abdomen less
pronounced than on other Aeshna; fused spot segment 9 tri-lobed, spots
on 10 reduced or missing; appendages paddle-shaped with small spine
female: wide yellow side stripes; no bump under 1st segment
habitat: desert canyons, along shaded streams
SW flight period: June 19 - November 20
SW distribution: AZ, CO (rare), NM, UT
Southwestern distribution map
male - AZ
multiple images - AZ
male top view - CA
male side view - CA
male, multiple images - CA
multiple images - CA
male flying - CA
male flying - CA
female - CA
female ovipositing - CA
multiple images - CO
male - CO
male - CO
male - CO
male flying - CO
male flying - CO
male, multiple images - NM
male - NV
male, multiple images - UT
female, multiple images - UT
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
female - CA
female - CA
Paddle-tailed Darner Aeshna palmata
size: very large, length 62 - 75 mm, wingspan 84 - 97 mm
male: face & thoracic stripes greenish; black line across face;
clear wings; in SW, blue spots on top of 9th & 10th abdominal segments
usually fused (see p. 58); many small spots; underside of abdomen dark; 3
cells in HW anal triangle; flared paddle-shaped appendages with small spine
female: facial line black; no bump under first segment; terminal appendages widest at central point;
styli of ovipositor extend beyond the last segment
habitat: ponds, lakes, small streams
SW flight period: May 1 - November 11
SW distribution: all SW forested areas
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
male top view
male side view - CO
male side view - CO
female view - CO
multiple images - MT
male top view - BC
male side view
male side view
male - BC
pair - BC
male - NH
female - NJ
female - NJ
male - CO
male - WA
female - NE
Lance-tipped Darner Aeshna constricta
size: very large, length 65 - 73 mm, wingspan 88 - 100 mm
male: face pale green-yellow; fine brown facial line; side stripes on thorax indented and extended; abdomen's spots
blue-green inc. segment 10; 3 cells in HW anal triangle
similar species: like Paddle-tailed but lacks a black line across the face and the spots atop seg. 9 are not fused
female: distinctive long pointy (lance-like) appendages; relatively large, squarish spots on S9 wrap around to the
underside; pale mark on the side of S1 very thin; pair of stripes on top of the thorax well developed; no bump under the thorax;
light brown or no line across face
habitat: slow streams and ponds in open marshes
SW flight period: June 11 - October 4
SW distribution: CO, NM, NV, UT
Southwestern distribution map
male - in hand, CA
female - in hand, CA
male, in hand - WA
multiple images - MT
multiple images - MN
male - CA
male - CA
female - CA
teneral female - CA
female - BC
Canada Darner Aeshna canadensis
size: large, length 64 - 73 mm, wingspan 86 - 99 mm
male: thorax side stripes relatively broad; front stripe deeply
indented upper half, green, yellow &/or blue; lt. brown facial line;
underside of abdomen has paired pale spots; top of last
segment has pale spots; anal triangle hind wing - 2 cells; appendages
female: facial line light brown; no bump under segment 1;
paired spots underside of abdomen
habitat: ponds, lakes, especially beaver ponds
SW flight period: July 26 - October 10
SW distribution: CA
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
male - CO
multiple images - MT
male, close-up - BC
multiple images - AK
male - NM
female - MT
female - Manitoba
exuvia - Canada
male - WA
Lake Darner Aeshna eremita
size: very large, 66 - 79 mm, wingspan 85 - 104 mm
male: thorax side stripes relatively broad, blue-green (no yellow);
front stripe deeply indented; face yellow-green with black line; blue patch
below spiracle; lg. spots on 10th segment; anal triangle hind wing - 2 cells;
appendages simple - paddle-shaped
female: black facial line
habitat: mostly forested regions; mountain lakes and ponds
SW flight period: June 29 - September 5
SW distribution: CO, UT
Southwestern distribution map
male side view - AZ
male - AZ
male & female - AZ
male & female - AZ
female - AZ
female ovipositing - AZ
appendages - AZ
multiple images - AZ
multiple images - AZ
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
multiple SW images
Riffle Darner Oplonaeschna armata
size: very large, length 66 - 75 mm, wingspan 92 - 110 mm
male: very similar to Mosaic darners; deep blue eyes; strongly
indented side thoracic stripes blue above, yellow below; abdomen spots a bit
smaller than on Mosaic darners; appendages paddle-shaped with spine & a
toothed projection near tip; top of segment 10 has a fingerlike projection
female: short; yellow, blue &/or green spots; no bump
habitat: rocky streams in oak & pine woodlands
SW flight period: May 16 - November 8
SW distribution: AZ, CA?, NM, UT (rare)
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
multiple images - AZ
multiple images - AZ
multiple images - AZ
in flight - AZ
in flight - AZ
multiple images - Jalisco, MX
male -
female -
Malachite Darner Remartinia luteipennis
AKA Coryphaeschna luteipennis (archaic)
size: large, length 58 - 60 mm, wingspan 74 - 84 mm
male: bold wide bright lime-green and brown thoracic top and side
stripes; small blue-green triangles atop very dark abdomen; blue eyes and face; distinctive
female: blue eyes; green face; very short appendages
habitat: weedy ponds, lakes, ditches and sluggish streams
SW flight period: July 8 - November 4
SW distribution: AZ, uncommon
Southwestern distribution map
male, multiple images - AZ
male, multiple images - TX
male, multiple images - TX
male in flight - TX
male- TX
male- TX
young male, multiple images - TX
female- NM
female- TX
male- FL
multiple images - Jalisco, MX
Blue-faced Darner Coryphaeschna adnexa
size: large, length 66 - 69 mm, wingspan 88 - 108 mm
male: bright blue face and eyes; green thorax with thin dark stripe; dark brown abomen with thin green rings; appendages lack spine
female: like male with broader abdomen; wings can have amber tint; appendages tend to break off
habitat: ponds, usually covered with floating vegetation such as water lettuce (Pistia), water hyacinth (Eichhornia), or duckweeds (Lemna, Spirodela). It is usually associated with forest.
SW flight period: August 8 - November 8
SW distribution: AZ, NM (rare)
Southwestern distribution map
female - AZ
multiple images - AZ
multiple images - AZ
male - CA
male - CA
multiple images - CA
male eating a flame skimmer - CA
male & female - CA
ovipositing pairs - CA
multiple images - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
male - CO
pair - CO
male - NM
female - NM
multiple images - NM
pair ovipositing - NV
male in flight - NV
male - UT
female - UT
male - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
exuvia - CA
Common vs Giant exuvia - CA
Common Green Darner Anax junius
size: very large, 63 - 84 mm, wingspan 92 - 103 mm
male: more solidly colored than Mosaic Darners; green eyes and
yellow-green face; solid green thorax; blue abdomen with wide dark stripe on
top; wings can be clear or show yellowish tinge; abdomen carried straight in flight
female: most purplish brown with green; rarer form colored like male (however s2 isn't all green);
eyes remain brown
habitat: fields and waterways
behavior: only darner to tandem oviposit;
females also lay eggs unguarded
SW flight period: all months in south, migratory
SW distribution: all Southwest
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - AZ
multiple images - AZ
multiple images - AZ & TX
male top view - CA
male side view - CA
male side view - CA
male top view - CA
male close-up - CA
male side view - CA
male top view - CA
male - CA
male - CA
multiple images - CA
multiple images - CA
male in flight - CA
male in flight - CA
female - CA
female ovipositing - CA
females ovipositing - CA
male - CA
male - CA
female - CA
exuvia - CA
Common vs Giant exuvia - CA
Giant Darner Anax walsinghami
size: huge, male 99 - 116 mm, wingspan 115 - 137 mm
male: coloring like Common Green Darner but very long blue & dark
patterned abdomen that droops in flight; solid green thorax; eyes blue on top
female: like male; smaller; less blue; 88 - 98 mm, wingspan 112 -122 mm
habitat: canyon & spring-fed streams, marshes, lakes in arid areas
SW flight period: March 15 - December
SW distribution: AZ, CA, NM, NV, UT
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
Dragonflies are arranged within this family by predominant color/patterning rather than by genus.
interesting exuviae pile-up!
sizes: large, lengths: 39 - 70 mm
males: most have an enlarged area at end of abdomen; black, brown, green
and/or yellow patterned; clear wings with wide stigmas; small eyes widely
separated; sprawling legs; well camouflaged; no blue or red coloring
females: often yellow where male green; bodies cylindrical
habitats: life cycle of 2 years usually in rivers, streams
behaviors: males perch on ground/rocks at beach in sunlit areas;
females more often found out on vegetation
11 SW genera totaling at least 28 species including:
Clubtails - narrow pale triangles down top of black/brown abdomen;
some occur at ponds and lakes
11 SW genera:
Phanogomphus & Gomphurus were both Gomphus until 2017
American Clubtails Phanogomphus - 3 SW species
Forceptails Aphylla - 1 SW species
Grappletail Octogomphus - 1 species: abdomen thin & less patterned than others
Hanging Clubtails Stylurus - 8 SW species
Leaftails Phyllogomphoides - 3 SW species
Majestic Clubtails Gomphurus - 2 SW species
Pond Clubtails Arigomphus - 1 SW species
Ringtails Erpetogomphus - 7 SW species: ringed appearance to abdomen; short legs
Sanddragon Progomphus - 2 SW species: narrow clubbed abdomen; short legs
Snaketails Ophiogomphus - 5 SW speciea: 5 very similar species; most in arid lands
Spinylegs Dromogomphus - 1 SW species
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
unusual male - CA
multiple images - CA
multiple images - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
multiple images - OR
mature male - CA
female - CA
female - CA
male - OR
male - OR
Grappletail Octogomphus specularis
size: large, length 49 - 53 mm, wingspan 60 - 82 mm
male: face yellow, eyes dark gray; thorax top - large bold gray-
green/yellow urn shaped mark; very thin abdomen almost all black showing less
yellow than any other SW clubtail; black legs & stigma; appendages grapple-like
female: thin yellow line top of cylindrical abdomen
habitat: rivers with riffles in wooded hillsides
SW flight period: April 8 - October 27
SW distribution: CA, NV
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
male - CO
male - CO
male - CO
immature male
multiple images
male - MT
male - SD
female - SD
Horned Clubtail Arigomphus cornutus
size: medium/large, length 55-57 mm, wingspan 66-79 mm
minimally clubbed with prominantly forked appendages; pale face with blue eyes; lightly striped thorax sides
female: like male with more pale color on sides of abdomen
habitat: lakes, ponds and slow streams
SW flight period: July 3 - August 12
SW distribution: CO
Southwestern distribution map
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - AZ
multiple images - AZ
female - AZ
male's hold on female's eyes
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
multiple images - CA
multiple images - CA
multiple images - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
pair in cop - CA
male - NM
male - NM
male - NV
pair in wheel - NV
male - CA
female - CA
Gray Sanddragon Progomphus borealis
size: large, length 56 - 62 mm, wingspan 66 - 72 mm
male: yellow face; thorax sides - large gray patches; dull pale yellow
triangles top of very thin black abdomen; costa yellow; upper appendages
yellow, lowers dark, same as Common Sanddragon; both arch abdomen when
female: more gray/green
habitat: sandy rivers, lakes
SW flight period: March 28 - November 16
SW distribution: AZ, CA, NM, NV, UT (not yet found in CO)
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
male - NM
pair - NM
male - TX
multiple images- NJ
male side - TX?
male top - TX?
female top - TX?
Common Sanddragon Progomphus obscurus
size: medium/large, length 47- 55 mm, wingspan 60 - 68 mm
male: very similar to Gray Sanddragon, but with two distinct
yellow stripes side of thorax; yellow face; on both species the stripes top
of thorax form a "W" same pale yellow triangles top of very thin
black abdomen; often lacks thin yellow rings at clubbed end on segments 8
& 9; costa yellow
female: less clubbed; paler coloration
habitat: sandy ponds, streams
SW flight period: April 12 - July 24
SW distribution: CO, NM
Southwestern distribution map
male - CO
male - NM
female - NM
multiple images - TX
multiple images - TX
female - Iowa
male side -TX?
male top - TX?
female side - TX?
female top - TX?
Flag-tailed Spinyleg Dromogomphus spoliatus
size: medium, length 41 - 47 mm, wingspan 65 - 73 mm
male: blue-gray eyes; face pale; very long legs; pale rings on segments 4-6; yellowish underside of large flattened club
female: no club
habitat: streams, rivers with mud bottomed pools; also lakes and ponds
with mud bottoms
SW flight period: July 3 - September 8
SW distribution: CO, NM
Southwestern distribution map
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - AZ
multiple images - AZ
multiple images - AZ
female - AZ
female - AZ
male - CA
male - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
males & females - CA
multiple images - CA
multiple images - CA
pair - CA
multiple images - CA
female - NM
multiple images - NM
female - NV
female - NV
female - NV
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
pair - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
exuvia - OR
White-belted Ringtail Erpetogomphus compositus
size: medium/large, length 46 - 55 mm, wingspan 60 - 70 mm
male: thorax intricately marked green, yellow, black, middle side
stripe the "white belt" conspicuous pale rings on thin dark abdomen, pale diamonds less noticeable; dark yellow club looks as if dipped in gold
paint; blue-gray eyes; face pale; yellow costa; looks like composite of
several other species
female: no club; white belt
habitat: streams, rivers
SW flight period: March 12 - November 24
SW distribution: all SW (now found CO too)
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
male - AZ
males - AZ
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
multiple images - Jalisco, MX
male - MX
multiple images - MX
Yellow-legged Ringtail Erpetogomphus crotalinus
size: medium, length 45 - 49 mm, wingspan 61 - 72 mm
male: thorax green with hardly any dark markings, appears paler than
other SW Ringtails; conspicuous pale rings on thin dark abdomen, pale
diamonds less noticeable; yellow club; gray eyes; face pale; yellow costa
female: no club
habitat: streams in arid areas
SW flight period: August 5 - October 19
SW distribution: southern AZ, southern NM
Southwestern distribution map
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
Dashed Ringtail Erpetogomphus heterodon
size: medium, length 50 - 55 mm, wingspan 64 - 74 mm
male: thorax pale green to yellow green with poorly developed dark
stripes, esp. on sides; yellow club has thick dark intrusions on the sides;
gray eyes; face pale; yellow costa; lower legs black
female: no club
habitat: clear mountain streams with rocks
SW flight period: July 13 - October 16
SW distribution: southern NM
Southwestern distribution map
multiple images- NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male's appendages - NM
male - NM
female - NM
multiple images - GA
male - side TX?
male - top TX?
female - side TX?
female - top TX?
Eastern Ringtail Erpetogomphus designatus
size: large, length 49 - 55 mm, wingspan 64 - 73 mm
male: bright yellow-green striped thorax, no white, isolated dark area
on top is totally contained within green area; pale blue eyes; yellow top of
first two abdomen segments; pale rings conspicuous along abdomen top, less
noticeable pale diamonds; golden club; wing bases have amber wash
female: no club; no white belt
habitat: sandy rivers, streams
SW flight period: May 5 - October 18
SW distribution: AZ?, CO, NM, NV
Southwestern distribution map
male E. l. natrix - AZ
male E. l. natrix - AZ
male E. l. natrix - AZ
male E. l. natrix - AZ
male E. l. natrix multipile images - AZ
male E. l. natrix - AZ
male E. l. natrix multipile images -
multiple images -AZ
male E. l. lampropeltis - CA
male E. l. lampropeltis - CA
male E. l. lampropeltis - CA
male E. l. lampropeltis - CA
male E. l. lampropeltis - CA
male E. l. lampropeltis, - multiple images - CA
female E. l. lampropeltis - CA
female E. l. lampropeltis - CA
female E. l. lampropeltis - CA
male natrix - AZ
male natrix - AZ
male natrix - AZ
Serpent Ringtail Erpetogomphus l. lampropeltis/E. l. natrix
size: medium/large, length 41 - 56 mm, wingspan 58 - 72 mm
male: pale yellow rings on abdomen; golden "tail" no white
stripe on thorax; blue eyes; two forms - same abdominal markings but
different thoracic pattern and colors:
*E. l. natrix - uninterrupted green markings sides & top of thorax
**E. l. lampropeltis - gray markings thorax; mid-stripe interrupted
female: like male; no club
habitat: streams, rivers
SW flight period: April 28 - November 15
SW distribution: *AZ, *NM, **CA
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - AZ
multiple images - AZ
female - AZ
multiple images - Jalisco, MX
male - MX
teneral male - MX
late season male - MX
Straight-tipped Ringtail Erpetogomphus elaps
FIRST AMERICAN RECORD: September 17, 2008
size: medium, length 39 - 52 mm, wingspan 51 - 64 mm
male: very green species; blue eyes, green face;
segments 1-6 green/blue-green on top, 4-6 usually darker; segment 7 pale green;
8-10 dark red-brown underside, dark top;
thorax turns much darker late in the season (Nov.);
light colored appendages, uppers are narrow and straight, lower curved at 90 degree angle;
thorax green with only one dark area near head
female: blue eyes, green thorax, more stout than male
habitat: rocky streams, rivers
SW flight period: September 9 - October 6
SW distribution: AZ
Southwestern distribution map
multiple images - AZ & MX
male - MX
male - MX
female - MX
female - MX
Black-tailed Ringtail Erpetogomphus molossus
size: medium/large, average length 49 mm
male: thorax green with dark double stripe; almost all dark abdomen; blue eyes, green face;
segments 1-6 dark on top with thin white rings; segment 7 pale yellow;
8-10 dark top; laterally expanded bulbous-tipped cerci
female:Like male but abdomen stockier
habitat: rocky, closed-canopy mountain streams in pine/oak woodland at around 4,550-5,530 ft.
SW flight period: August 30
SW distribution: AZ - RARE
Southwestern distribution map
male - NM
male & female - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male side - TX?
male top - TX?
female top - TX?
female side - TX?
Four-striped Leaftail Phyllogomphoides stigmatus
size: very large, length 65 - 70 mm, wingspan 82 - 84 mm
male: yellow green thorax without a lower rear stripe; pale face with
brown cross stripes; pale gray eyes; middle abdominal segments ringed; club
widely flanged ('leaf-like')
female: flanges on club nearly as wide as on male
habitat: lakes, ponds, slow rivers, streams
SW flight period: May 17 - September 29
SW distribution: NM
Southwestern distribution map
male - TX
male - TX
male - TX
male - TX
female - TX
female - TX
multiple images - TX
multiple images - TX
male NM
male side - TX?
male top - TX?
Five-striped Leaftail Phyllogomphoides albrighti
size: very large, length 60 - 63 mm, wingspan 76 - 82 mm
male: gray-green thorax, rear side stripe dark; pale face with brown cross stripes; pale gray eyes; middle abdominal segments ringed, but not
including segment 8; club widely flanged ('leaf-like')
female: flanges on club about half that of on male
habitat: rivers, streams
SW flight period: July 2
SW distribution: NM
Southwestern distribution map
male - NM
multiple images, male
male - Sonora, Mexico
female - Sonora, Mexico
multiple images - Jalisco, Mexico
male - Sonora, Mexico
West Mexican Leaftail Phyllogomphoides nayaritensis NEW TO USA 2014
size: very large, length 60-68 mm, wingspan ? mm
male: dark thorax with very slight yellowish cast to the stripes; pale face with dark
cross stripes; pale blue eyes; middle abdominal segments incompletly ringed (rings open at top), seg.7/8 has broad complete ring; club widely flanged ('leaf-like')
female: like male but without the widened flanges; the larva is unknown
similar species: stripes on both the 4 and the 5-striped leaftails are silvery white, not pale yellow
habitat: rocky and muddy rivers with moderately swift current
SW flight period: August 19, 2014
SW distribution: NM - RARE
Southwestern distribution map - found in Rotary Park which is a small park in Truth or Consequences, Sierra Co., NM
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - AZ
multiple images - AZ/MX
male & female - TX
male - TX
male - TX
male - TX
male - TX
multiple images - TX
female - TX
female - TX
female - TX
multiple images - Jalisco, MX
Narrow-striped Forceptail Aphylla protracta
size: large, length 54 - 66 mm, 71 - 99 mm
male: greenish yellow face cross-barred with brown
thorax - a wide dark 'shoulder' stripe and 3 equal narrower pale stripes;
short dark legs; wings - clear with tan stigma & yellow costa
club widely flanged on segment 8 in both sexes;
appendages pincher-like
female: flanges on club nearly as wide as on male
habitat: muck-bottomed lakes
SW flight period: July 4 - August 18
SW distribution: AZ (rare)
Southwestern distribution map
male - AZ
multiple images - AZ
multiple images - CA
multiple images - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
female - CA
female - CA >
multiple images - NM
multiple images - NM & elsewhere
drawing showing difference between Eastern & Western forms
male - CA
male - CA
female - CA
female - CA
Russet-tipped Clubtail Stylurus plagiatus
size: large, length 53 - 66 mm, wingspan 74 - 83 mm
males: green thorax and upper legs; 3 dark stripes thorax side;
thorax top dark with pale harp shaped mark;
elongated triangles atop abdomen with a ring atop each which is incomplete;
CA form has blue eyes;
abdominal segments 7 - 10 have yellow bands on sides;
abdominal segments 8 & 9 clubbed yellow & brown or black, segment 10 all dark
appendages dark and flared when seen from above
females: is similar to male; dark atop 9 & 10
similar species: White-belted and Serpent Ringtails have yellow appendages
habitat: deep sandy streams, rivers and irrigation ditches in arid
SW flight period: April 12 - December 15
SW distribution: AZ, so. CA, NM, so. NV
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
male - AZ
female - AZ
multiple images - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
pair - CA
multiple images - NM
female - NM
female - CA
Brimstone Clubtail Stylurus intricatus
size: medium/large, length 41 - 55 mm, wingspan 55 - 64 mm
male: very pale; yellow rings & triangular spots with dark
background along abdomen, rings around segments 3-7 only, yellow club has
splayed yellow appendages edged with black; yellow head; upper legs yellow;
hang-perches on wood, vegetation, not rocks along shoreline
female: similar to male but clubless
habitat: open desert streams/rivers
SW flight period: May 14 - November 10
SW distribution: AZ, CA, CO, NM, NV, UT
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
multiple images - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
in flight - CA
multiple images CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
multiple images - CA, NV, WA
male - NV
female - NV
male - UT
male - WA
female - ID
female - WA
Olive Clubtail Stylurus olivaceus
size: large, length 56 - 60 mm, wingspan 72 - 74 mm
male: thorax sides tawny gray/olive green with no side stripes; thorax
top has tawny treelike mark on black; abdomen segments tawny, broadly
outlined in black; underside club pale yellow with the top mostly black;
appendages black; wings with yellow costa, black veins
female: like male; body long, clubless
habitat: warm, muddy rivers or ponds
SW flight period: May 3 - September 9
SW distribution: CA, NV, UT
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
males - CA
multiple images - CA
multiple images - CA
female - CA
female - CA
male - NV
female - WA
male - CA
male - CA
female - CA
female - CA
male side - TX?
male top - TX?
Sinuous Snaketail Ophiogomphus occidentis
size: medium/large, length 46 - 52 mm, wingspan 58 - 69 mm
male: yellow-green face with blue eyes; sides of thorax dull olive
green with double, dark wavy (sinuous) lines; yellow triangles down abdomen
top; club yellow under segments 8-10; five very similar Snaketails occur in
the Southwest; compare by shoulder stripe width and shape
female: body more cylindrical
habitat: mountain rivers; lakes
SW flight period: March 20 - August 14
SW distribution: CA, CO?, NV, UT
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
multiple images - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
male - CA
female - CA
Bison Snaketail Ophiogomphus bison
size: large, length 50 - 51 mm, wingspan 60 - 70 mm
male: thorax bright green; single wide straight dark shoulder stripe
(can show very thin green line in middle); yellow-green face; black legs; gray-blue eyes;
abdomen black with yellow triangles, inc. seg. 10; appendages yellow on top
female: body more cylindrical, less clubbed; small (bison-like) horns
above eyes
habitat: lowland trout streams
behavior: forages from the shoreline
SW flight period: April 17 - October 18
SW distribution: CA, NV, UT
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
male - AZ
multiple images - CA
multiple images - CA
male - CA
male - CO
male - CO
male - CO
male - CO
female - CO
male - NM
male - NM
multiple images - NM
female close up - NM
female - NM
female - NM
multiple images- OR
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
female - CA
female - CA
Pale Snaketail Ophiogomphus severus
size: large, length 48 - 55 mm, wingspan 67 - 72 mm
male: very pale coloration; green thorax, black shoulder stripe often
completely missing; variable oval spots sides of thorax top; identify by
location & appendages - lower appendages 75% length of uppers
female: body less clubbed; stoUT
habitat: pools of rocky mountain streams
SW flight period: May 19 - October 14
SW distribution: CA, CO, NM, NV, UT, & now AZ Aug. 2004
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
male - AZ
male - AZ
male, close-up - AZ
multiple images - AZ
multiple images - AZ
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
female - NM
Arizona Snaketail Ophiogomphus arizonicus
size: large, length 48 - 55 mm, wingspan 67 - 72 mm
male: almost identical to Pale Snaketail; very pale coloration;
green thorax, black shoulder stripe often completely missing; variable oval
spots sides of thorax top; identify by location & appendages - lower
appendages 50% length of uppers
female: body less clubbed; stoUT
habitat: pools of rocky mountain streams
SW flight period: June 8 - October 8
SW distribution: AZ, NM
Southwestern distribution map
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
pair in cop- CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
multiple images - CA
female - CA
multiple images - CA
female - CA
male - OR
multiple images - OR
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
female - OR
Great Basin Snaketail Ophiogomphus morrisoni
size: large, length 50 - 52 mm, wingspan 58 - 69 mm
male: green thorax; pale shoulder stripe curved (but not wavy),
connected to top pale stripe which is wide & flares near the head,
looking somewhat like a pollywog; abdomen has yellow triangles down the top
and yellow under clubbed segments; blue eyes; stout yellow appendages
female: less clubbed, stoUT
habitat: streams in arid lands
SW flight period: May 22 - September
SW distribution: CA, NV
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
young male - CA
young male - CA
young male - CA
young male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
multiple images - CA
multiple images - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
pair in wheel - CA
male - CA
male - CA
female - CA
exuvia - CA
Pacific Clubtail Phanogomphus [was Gomphus until 2017] kurilis
size: medium/large, 48-53 mm, wingspan 58 - 68 mm
male: green face with blue eyes; 2 broad green stripes top of thorax;
stripe comes to a curved point near abdomen; thorax sides have grayish green
`pistol-shaped' mark (yellow in immature); long narrow yellow-green triangular
stripes down top of dark abdomen; large yellow marks undersides of expanded
8th and 9th segments; no spots on top of segments 9 & 10 (or very faint
spots there); appendages dark
female: less clubbed, stout; yellow where male is green
habitat: only CA Clubtail found at ponds; sluggish streams in valleys;
a subspecies occurs at clear mountain lakes
SW flight period: March 18 - August 28 (however mostly a Spring/early Summer species)
similar species: Bison Snaketail not found on ponds and has spots on
segments; top thoracic stripe not pointed
Columbia Clubtail has thin pruinosity on its abdomen.
behavior: perch on rocks in water at pond side
SW distribution: CA endemic; central and northern areas
Southwestern distribution map
male - NM
male - NV
male - OR
male - OR
male - OR
female - OR
multiple images - OR
male - OR
female - OR
female - OR
Columbia Clubtail Gomphurus [was Gomphus until 2017] lynnae ***NEW TO SW 2013***
IUCN Red Listed/Threatened Species
size: medium/large, 54-60 mm, wingspan ~77 mm
male: blue eyes; yellow atop all abdominal segments; develops a thin pruinosity over its thorax, head, abdomen and upper legs as it matures; yellow atop segment 10
female: less clubbed, stout; like male, develops thin pruinosity
habitat: open rivers with mud and gravel among rocks
SW flight period: found twice, once on 5/19/2013 in NV and 6/29/2014 in NM; elsewhere June - August
similar species: like Pacific Clubtail but with yellow atop seg.10 & deeper club
behavior: perch on rocks in water
SW distribution: RARE in NV & NM - please report all sightings (also found WA & OR)
Southwestern distribution map
male - CO
multiple images - CO
multiple images - CO
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
multiple images - NM
female - NM
young female - NM
male - TX
female - TX
female - TX
male & female - TX
male side view - NE
male side - TX?
male top - TX?
female top - TX?
female side - TX?
Plains Clubtail Gomphurus [was Gomphus until 2017] externus
size: medium/large, 52-59 mm, wingspan 62 - 68 mm
male: yellow stripes &/or spots atop all abdominal segments;
narrow brown side stripes have a thin yellow line between them; segments 8-9
mostly yellow; appendages black; blue eyes when mature; white stripe amid yellow stipes side of thorax
female: only a little less clubbed, more stout; colorful as male
habitat: t: streams and rivers with muddy or sandy bottoms
similar species: Sulphur-tipped Clubtail (G. militaris) smaller; yellow on legs; more yellow on club; CO, NM
Pronghorn Clubtail (Phanogomphus graslinellus) the edge of segment 8 is usually all yellow; CO (rare); see website
White-belted Ringtail rings not stripes atop abdomen
Columbia Clubtail (G. lynnae) NV, NM (rare in both); develops pruinosity; no white on thorax; see page 182 & website
Pacific Clubtail no white on thorax
SW flight period: March 12 - August 14
SW distribution: CO, NM, UT
Southwestern distribution map
male - ID
male - ID
pair - ID
female - ID
multiple images - AR
male side - TX?
male top - TX?
male - SD
female - SD
female top - TX?
Pronghorn Clubtail Phanogomphus [was Gomphus until 2017] graslinellus
size: medium/large, 47-59 mm, wingspan 60 - 70 mm
male: boldly marked with green and yellow; blue eyes; bright yellow
face; large club with segment 7 mostly black on the sides, seg. 9 top mostly yellow & rectangular shaped
female: less clubbed, stout; as colorful as male
habitat: ponds, lakes and slow streams
similar species: Plains Clubtail
behavior: doesn't hover over riffles
SW flight period: July 4 - August 29
SW distribution: CO
Southwestern distribution map
male - CO
male - CO
male - CO
teneral male - CO
pair - CO
female - CO
female - CO
female - CO
multiple images - NM
male - NM
male - NM
male - NM
pair - NM
teneral female - NM
multiple images - TX
multiple images - TX
multiple images - TX
Sulphur-tipped Clubtail Phanogomphus [was Gomphus until 2017] militaris
size: medium/large, 47-53 mm, wingspan 60 - 70 mm
male: like Pronghorn but yellower and paler; pale shoulder stripe;
blue eyes; bright yellow face; large club with segments 7-9 deep yellow on top
female: less clubbed, stout; white arrowlike markings atop abdomen end in yellow arrowhead
habitat: ponds, lakes and slow streams with mud bottoms
similar species: Pronghorn Clubtail
SW flight period: May 10 - September 22
SW distribution: CO, NM
Southwestern distribution map

sizes: large; lengths: 54 - 85 mm
males: members of these families & genera have dark background
color with yellow markings on the thorax and abdomen; compare by appendage
shapes & side stripes
females: marked like the males but bodies more stout
habitats: life cycle of 2+ years in rivers, streams, seeps
behaviors: Petaltail flight weak, others very strong fliers
3 SW genera totaling 5 species:
Petaltail Petaluridae - 1 SW species: dark eyes do not touch; spots (not stripes) on thorax
& abdomen; long stigma; petal-like appendages; nymph semi terrestrial -
burrows in seeps; CA & NV (rare)
Cruisers Macromiidae - 2 SW species: gray eyes just touch each other; thorax - single yellow
stripe; have long sprawling legs
Spiketails Cordulegasteridae- 2 SW species: long legs; body arched in powerful flight;
teardrop shaped blue eyes barely touch each other; thorax - two wide yellow stripes top and each side
male - AZ
multiple images - AZ, CA, OR
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
multiple images - CA
female - CA
female - CA
pair - CA
male - TX
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
female - CA
female - CA
Western River Cruiser Macromia magnifica
size: very large, length 68 - 74 mm, wingspan 86 - 100
male: pale face; pearly gray eyes touch each other; dark thorax has
single yellow side stripe; only half-length stripe on top of thorax; slightly
clubbed abdomen has squared yellow spots top, segment 8 spot largest; very
long legs; flies with the abdomen in a slight arch
female: like male, not clubbed
nymph: sprawlers; 'spider-like'
exuvia: often found under bridge supports
habitat: lowlands streams & rivers
SW flight period: April 18 - September 14
SW distribution: AZ, CA, NV, UT
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
multiple images - TX
multiple images - TX
male - TX
male top - TX
male side - TX
female -
Bronzed River Cruiser Macromia annulata
size: very large, length 68 - 73 mm, wingspan 90 - 102
male: very similar to Western River Cruiser but top thoracic stripe
full length; pale face; green tinted eyes touch each other; bronzy brown
thorax has single yellow side stripe; top stripe nearly full length; segment
1 yellow on side; slightly clubbed abdomen has squared yellow spots top,
segment 8 spot largest; very long legs
female: like male, not clubbed
habitat: streams & rivers in dry country
SW flight period: June 14 - August 15
SW distribution: NM
Southwestern distribution map
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
multiple images - CA
multiple images - CA
pair in wheel - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female - CA
female ovipositing - CA
female ovipositing - CA
*male C. d. deserticola male - CA
*male C. d. deserticola male - CA
male - CA
multiple images - CA
exuvia - CA
male - CO
nynph- CA
male - AZ
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
*male, desert race - CA
female - CA
exuvia - CA
female side view - TX?
female top view - TX?
Pacific Spiketail *Cordulegaster Zoraena dorsalis
*This genus split from the continental Cordulegaster in Sept. 2024
size: very large, length 70 - 85 mm, wingspan 86 - 105
male: pale face; tear drop-shaped blue eyes barely touch; dark thorax,
two wide yellow stripes top & sides; abdomen dark with yellow spots
segment 2- 9; powerful flyer;
* C.Z. d. deserticola (desert race) more yellow, thin yellow lines between spots
female: long spike like ovipositor; dark wing tips; both sexes hang-perch
habitat: hillside small wooded streams
SW flight period: May 7 - November 19
* C. Z. d. deserticola (desert/Great Basin race) June 21 -August 27
SW distribution: AZ, CA, CO, NM, UT;
* C. Z. d. deserticola (desert race)*CA, *NV, *UT?
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - AZ
male - AZ
teneral male - AZ
female - AZ
female - AZ
multiple images - AZ
male - NM
male - UT
male - UT
male - UT
Apache Spiketail Cordulegaster Zoraena diadema
size: very large, length 74 - 88 mm, wingspan 89 - 109
male: very dark appearance; narrowly separated tear-shaped aqua-blue
eyes are yellow-green in juveniles; dark abdomen is banded rather than
spotted, with segments 6-8 expanded, thin half-ring between bands
female: similar to male; long abdomen with long spike like ovipositor;
both sexes perch by hanging
habitat: small mountain streams with silt bottomed pools
SW flight period: April 4 - October 22
SW distribution: AZ, western NM, so. UT
Southwestern distribution map
male - CA
male - CA
multiple images - CA
female - CA
female - CA
pair & habitat - CA
nymph - CA
exuvia - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
male - CA
female - CA
nymph - CA
exuviae - CA
Black Petaltail Tanypteryx hageni
size: large, length 54 - 62 mm, wingspan 68 - 76
male: dark eyes do not touch; spots (not stripes) on thorax &
abdomen; long stigma; petal-like appendages
female: similar to male
habitat: seeps; often associated with serpentine soils and the
carnivorous Pitcher Plants (Darlingtonia)
behavior: perch by 'clinging;' known to perch on people!
nymph are semi terrestrial - burrows in seeps
SW flight period: May 13 - August 21
SW distribution: CA, NV (rare)
Southwestern distribution map
Information on California Odonata website