
"messengers of summer and heralds of the sun" - H. Lons, poet and zoologist

=!= The companion website for Dragonflies (Anisoptera) of California =!=
Click here to go to Dragonflies of the Southwest website

(Click here to go to Dragonflies of Jalisco)

View an hour long webinar originally done for the Sonoma Land Trust in 2024 on the Language of the Land: Dragonflies in CALIFORNIA (English) by Kathy Biggs and Sandra von-Arb

Welcome to the California On-line Dragonfly Guide, the companion to our Common Dragonflies of California, A Beginner's Pocket Guide and Dragonflies (Anisoptera) of California.
Here you will find links to information & photos of all the dragonflies and damselflies found in California,
and also information on books and general information about dragonflies.
Please scroll down the page to find the links that interest you. - Kathy Biggs, site creator

The on-line guide is located below the links to dragonfly guides and essentials.
Below the guide links are other links to information about their life cycles, sightings and to other CA related dragonfly websites.

Guides: (click image to learn more about it, use your back button to return)

HOLIDAYS SALE!! $5.00 off list price through Jan. 1. 2025
Dragonflies (Anisoptera) of California - - -click image for more information

by Kathy Biggs & Sandra von Arb 2024
5.5" x 8.5"
Click here to go to the book's Eratta page

Updated - May 2019
Dragonflies of California
and the Greater Southwest
A Beginner's Guide
AZ, CA, CO, NV, NM, UT - eGuide

Use on your Kindle, Tablet, Smartphone or computer - weightless!
Includes damselflies

by Kathy Biggs - Price $7.99

Buy through (Kindle app)

Dragonflies of the Greater Southwest
Includes ALL the species of dragonflies found in California

by Kathy Biggs
June 2015

Dragonflies of North America,
A Color and Learn Book
with Activities

by Kathy Biggs and Tim Manolis
- 4th printing 2021
For your child, your grandchild and/or your inner child!

Revision of CA's 1st dragonfly guide:
Common Dragonflies of California
A Beginner's Pocket Guide
(Revised Edition 2009)

includes Damselflies

by Kathy Biggs

100 species - ONLY $9.95

Common Dragonflies of the Southwest,
A Beginner's Pocket Guide

by Kathy Biggs 2004

Buy directly from us, using the links above
(all ship within 2 days and the Pocket Guide series books are signed by the author)
Or order thru
by clicking on the name of the book to the right that you wish to buy.

Common Dragonflies of California
Dragonflies and Damselflies of California
Dragonflies of North America, Color and Learn
Dragonflies and Damselflies of the West
Build a Pond for Wildlife

Enter the on-line guide below.
First decide whether you want to look at Dragonflies or Damselflies,
then click on the image or the word to be taken to either the Dragonfly or the Damselfly site.

page #s used in the on-line guide refer to the page # for the species in
Common Dragonflies of California
A Beginner's Pocket Guide
, revised edition 2009 by Kathy Biggs
In the center, between the dragonfly on the left, and the damselfly on the right is a magnifying glass. Use this link to key out photos of dragonflies and damselflies, or in-hand live dragonflies. This is a GREAT way to begin learning the field marks for each species.
This site is 100% privately maintained.
If you've found it helpful,
a donation to help keep in on the web would be appreciated,
thanks! K. Biggs
Use this link to share this site on Facebook

Click here to go to the
descriptive and photographic
pages for
anisoptera, dragonfly

Heavy-bodied; usually larger than damselflies
wings held open when perched
eyes very close together
strong fliers
about 74 species


Click here to go to the
identification 'key' - use to
identify a dragonfly or damselfly
in hand or from a photo.


Click above to open and use at home.
Alternately, open and print this printable 17 pg PDF file
to take into the field as an aid in making dragonfly identifications.

Click here to go to the
descriptive and photographic
pages for
zygoptera, damselfly

Slender-bodied, most smaller than dragonflies
wings held together when perched
eyes far apart
weak flyers
about 40 species

Click here to download a PDF Checklist of California Dragonfly Species (198kb).
Be certain to set your printer to landscape orientation before printing out this tri-fold, double-sided checklist.

Download a PDF key to California's Migratory Dragonflies
This should be printed out landscape, and is best printed back to back on cardstock (769kb).

Links to other websites with Ode images taken within California
Sightings by Year Click here to access dragonfly sightings:
2020 First & Last dates + county/state records only, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000,
1999 & 1998 Sightings are available in the CalOdes Discussion Group site's Files section.
Click here for a short history of Dragonflies in California

I encourage you to join the CalOdes dragonfly discussion group.
This group is used to find new distribution records, flight data and where we may help each other learn more about dragonflies.

A Facebook Western Odonata group was formed in 2013. Click on image above link to check it out!

Click here to see a list of dragonfly related

Click here to go to Kathy Biggs' Press Kit with links to newspaper articles and reviews, etc.
Here is the story of how Kathy fell into the clutches of Odonata and became an author!!

Click here to go to Dragonfly FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Click here to go to a series of photos depicting the dragonfly life cycle.
&/or click here for more emergence images/stories.
Clicking on this link below will take you to an essay with photos providing some general information on dragonflies,
Damsels and Dragons - the Insect Order Odonata (Ron Lyons)

Dragonfly hotspots in CA!

Click here to see a list and info on places to go to find dragonflies in California

Click here to read the article An Interview with Kathy Biggs, on Dragonflies, Dragonfly Ponds and how She Became an Author
Chick here to visit our Bigsnest Wildlife Pond Website.
On this website you will find information on building a pond to attract dragonflies and other wildlife. Enjoy! - Kathy Biggs

POND 2004

This site is proud to have been selected for the following award:

I'm glad you enjoy the dragonflies and damselflies too! THANK- YOU for visiting!!
Email Kathy by clicking here

This page has been accessed times since Aug 28, 1998. Thank-you for your interest.

Kathy Biggs, Azalea Creek Publishing

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