This is the webpage for
California Dragonflies aka California Anisoptera

The companion website to Dragonflies (Anisoptera) of California.

There are SEVEN families of Dragonflies in California and North America.
Read about each below these useful Dragonfly materials and select the family you would like to view.
You will be taken to a new page for that family.

Use the names below as links if you already know the family of the dragonfly you wish to access, or scroll down to choose from the photo links.
1.Skimmers - Libellulidae 2. Emeralds - Corduliidae 3. Darners - Aeshnidae 4. Clubtails- Gomphidae 5. Mixed Families (black& yellow colored)

(Click here to go to my new site for the Dragonflies of the Southwest or click here to go to my website for identifying Jalisco's Odonata. A First Guide to the Dragonflies of Jalisco)

The on-line guide begins after this introduction to some of the tools that are helpful in learning about dragonflies and damselflies in California

Dragonflies (Anisoptera) of California
Spiral bound so it lays flat.
click image for more information

by Kathy Biggs & Sandra von Arb 2024
5.5" x 8.5"
Click here to go to the book's Errata page
Also available on as a standard/perfect bound book

Updated - May 2019
Dragonflies of California and the Greater Southwest
A Beginner's Guide - 6 states - eGuide

Use on your Kindle, Tablet, Smartphone or computer - weightless!
Includes damselflies

by Kathy Biggs

Buy through (Kindle app)

Revision of CA's 1st dragonfly guide:
Common Dragonflies of California
A Beginner's Pocket Guide
(Revised Edition 2009)

includes Damselflies

by Kathy Biggs

100 species
Also available on

Dragonflies of the Greater Southwest
Includes ALL the species of dragonflies found in California but not the damselflies

by Kathy Biggs

June 2015
Also available on

Dragonflies of North America,
A Color and Learn Book with Activities
with Activities
(also available on a CD for teachers)

by Kathy Biggs and Tim Manolis - 2006
Includes damselflies
Also available on

Build a Pond for Wildlife

by Kathy Biggs
Attract dragonflies to your yard!
NEW! Click image above to buy on a CD
or use links below to buy as an eBook
(May 2012)

Click here to buy it as a Kindle app at
or here to buy it as a Nook app from Barnes and Noble

Common Dragonflies of the Southwest,
A Beginner's Pocket Guide

by Kathy Biggs 2004

Also available on

Dragonflies and Damselflies of California

includes damselflies

by Tim Manolis 2003
4-1/2 x 7-1/4"
Also available through

There are SEVEN families of Dragonflies in California and North America.
Read about each below and select/click on the family you would like to view. You will be taken to a new page for that family.

Family: SKIMMERS - Libellulidae

Field/Photo key to Skimmers

Family: SKIMMERS - Libellulidae

- click on name or photo to go to the Skimmers' page -

17 CA genera, totaling 42 species

sizes: quite variable, lengths: 23 - 65 mm

males: showy nonmetallic colors; some wings patterned; bodies shorter than wingspans; eyes broadly touching

females: frequently more brown or paler than males, usually having similar wing markings; most splash oviposit

habitats: lakes and ponds; still waters of river pools; 2 species at moving water

behaviors: most perch horizontally and fly out to hawk prey; males usually hover-guard ovipositing females while they splash eggs towards vegetation or shoreline structures.

distribution: very common; found throughout the state, and at all altitudes

nymph: oval body often with spines along side the abdomen and a scoop-type labium.

Family: EMERALDS - Corduliidae

Field/Photo key to Emeralds

Family: EMERALDS - Corduliidae

archaic name: Green-eyed Skimmers

- click on name or photo to go to the Emeralds' page -

3 CA genera including Baskettails, Common and Striped Emeralds, totaling 5 species

sizes: medium - with length of 42 - 55 mm

males: often dark having brilliant metallic tones; some have bodies that are patterned; all have brilliant emerald green or teal green eyes with abdomens that are expanded at the midpoint - spindle shaped

females: like the males except their bodies are more stout with a more even shape

habitats: wooded ponds and streams, usually in the mountains

behaviors: mass emergences early in season; perch by hanging; strong, fast and erratic flyers; sometimes difficult to find, scarce

distribution: found in the central and northern parts of the state, often at high altitudes

nymph: hairy, dark colored

Family: DARNERS - Aeshnidae

Field/Photo key to California's Darners

Photo of and discussion of an Aeshna shedding its exoskeleton

Family: DARNERS - Aeshnidae

- click on name or photo to go to the Darners' page -

4 CA genera, including 11 species:
Darners are usually seen in-flight

sizes: large, robust; fast; lengths: 56 - 111 mm

males: large eyes, bodies brilliant blue and/or green with brown

females: many color forms, most showing green and/or yellow instead of blue, with a background of brown and/or purple, others like male, ovipositor under tail base

habitats: breed in lakes, creeks, rivers; feed over fields

behaviors: usually seen in flight; patrol waterways but also often seen catching insects over fields; perch by hanging vertically; most solo oviposit into floating vegetation; some swarm; some migrate; blue coloration darkens when cool

distribution: found throughout the state, at all altitudes

nymph: long and tubular bodies; large eyes; actively hunt prey

Family: CLUBTAILS - Gomphidae

Field/Photo key to clubtails

An interesting exuviae pileup!

Family: CLUBTAILS - Gomphidae

- click on name or photo to go to the Clubtails' page -

6 CA genera totaling 12 species including the Ringtails, Snaketails, Hanging Clubtails, and others

sizes: large, lengths: 41 - 83 mm

males: most have an enlarged area at end of abdomen; black, brown, green and/or yellow patterned; clear wings with wide stigmas; small eyes widely separated sprawling legs; well camouflaged, snakelike patterning, no blue or red coloring

females: often yellow where male green; bodies cylindrical

habitats: rivers, streams

behaviors: males perch on ground/rocks at beach in sunlit areas; females more often found out on vegetation

distribution: statewide

nymph: tubular bodies tapers to the end; usually found in moving waters

all are black with yellow markings

Field/photo key to black & yellow mixed families dragonflies

MIXED FAMILIES - Black and Yellow Coloration

3 CA families, each with one species, totaling 3 species:

sizes: large; lengths: 54 - 85 mm

males: members of these families & genera have dark background color with yellow markings on the thorax and abdomen; compare by markings, eye shape and color, and by appendage shapes

females: marked like the males but bodies more stout

habitats: life cycle of 2+ years in rivers, streams, seeps

behaviors: Petaltail flight weak, others very strong fliers

distribution: Petaltail in north; others almost statewide

nymph: see individual species' links

End of webpage about the Anisoptera families. Use your back button to go to the opening page for the link to the Damselflies (Zygotera).