Dragonflies (Anisoptera) of California
by Kathy Biggs and Sandra von Arb

Errata on first print sprial-bound [July 20, 2024] and 1st printing Amazon.com [August 4, 2024] books
All these will be fixed in the Amazon 2nd printing (Aug. 5, 2024) and our 2nd printing spiral-bound version due to be on sale by Sept 4th.

P 12: Typo - Anisoptera

P 34: Older version on the exuvia image used, still the correct image though, just not as pretty.

P 52: Image of nymph removed as it was not the correct species.

P 68: Typo - Kim Cabrera (spiral bound version only)

P 122: Typo - Rhionaeschna (spiral bound version only)

P 160: The wrong exuvia was printed, a sticker with the correct picture was placed over top (spiral bound version only)

P 162: In female description, horns are between not behind the eyes (spiral bound version only)

P 176: Missing ) at end of male description
female description belongs after behavior description
The name Hugh Ranson partially covered by image corner

P 184: Typo - Kim Cabrera (spiral bound version only)

P 185: Checklist left off 4 species, 2nd column: Belted Whiteface, Comanche Skimmer, Bleached Skimmer, Neon Skimmer
Corrected Checklist PDF available here for upload (Check your download folder)

IF you find an error, please let us know so we can correct it. Kathy Biggs