A First Guide to the Dragonflies of Jalisco, Mexico

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A contribution to the study of the biodiversity of Odonata of Jalisco, Mexico
Includes species seen and photographed by Kathy & Dave Biggs, and others, including those submitted to NaturaLista.org
Jalisco species list provided by Dennis Paulson and Enrique Gonzalez Soriano
(photos by Dave or Kathy Biggs unless marked otherwise) There is a glossary at the end of this webpage.
Click on links (blue text) to go to more information & other images of the species.

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Para ver esta pagina web en espanol, haga clic aqui por favor

View an hour long webinar originally done for the Sonoma Land Trust in 2024 on the Language of the Land: Dragonflies (English) by Kathy Biggs and Sandra von-Arb
Labeled as about in California, but actually about dragonflies in general

Life Cycle of the Dragonfly

Click here to view an Excel imageExcel Chart of the species in Jalisco by municipality (similar to a county).
If you find a species in a new municipality, please submit it to iNaturalist/Naturalista.mx or Kathy Biggs.

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For help with identifications &/or to make a photo contribution, contact Kathy Biggs or upload to Naturalista or iNaturalist

Common Name (Scientific Name)
photo & description
Jalisco maps courtesy iNaturalist are a work in progress

There are 4 families of Dragonflies (Anisoptera) represented in Jalisco - the Skimmers, the Spiketails, the Cruisers, the Clubtails and the Darners.
The Skimmers, Spiketails and Cruisers are listed and linked to on this page.
Shortcuts to the Clubtails, Darners and Damselflies

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Click here to see the parts of a dragonfly's body labeled

Within the Skimmer family (Libellulidae) there are 22 different genera represented.

Skimmers (Libellulidae) - 62 species have been documented in Jalisco.
Skimmers have large eyes that touch broadly. Males and females can be differently colored and they often perch on vegetation, returning to the same perch after catching a flying insect to eat. They usually perch on vegetation, horizontally to the ground.

Some of the text and MOST of the images are clickable links that will take you to more images or maps. Hover your mouse over them, and click if they are.

Carmine Skimmer (Orthemis discolor)

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photos: male and female
size: medium/large, length 49 - 52 mm
male: glossy red eyes & face; carmine red thorax and abdomen; wings clear with black veins inc. the costa (leading edge)
female: orange-brown; somewhat obscured but complex pale pattern on thorax sides, pale stripe top center; noticeable dark flanges near bottom end of abdomen; of wing (costa black)
similar species: very similar to the Roseate Skimmer which has purplish eyes and face; yellow costa; flanges on abdomen not dark; see comparison here
habitat: ponds and slow moving water
Jalisco flight months recorded: known to fly all year
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Roseate Skimmer (Orthemis ferruginea)

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photos: female and male
size: medium/large, length 51 - 53 mm
male: eyes purple with metallic purple frons; abdomen bright lilac going to red at the tip; wings clear with sometimes reddish veins and pale costa (leading edge)
female: tan-brown; prominent complex pale pattern thorax sides, pale stripe top center; noticeable flanges on lower abdomen; wings with yellow costa
similar species: very similar to the Carmine Skimmer which has red eyes and face, black costa, and female with dark-colored flanges on abdomen; see comparison here
habitat: ponds and slow moving water
Jalisco flight months recorded: all year
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Slender Skimmer (Orthemis levis)

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photos: male and female
size: medium, length ~44 mm, wingspan ~44 mm
male: slender red abdomen with black atop S7 & around S8-10; wide pale stripes on side of thorax can be obscured by wings
female: tan-brown; prominent complex pale pattern thorax sides, pale stripe top center; noticeable flanges on lower abdomen; wings with yellow costa
female: slender abdomen with noticeable flanges, wide pale stripes on side of thorax
similar species: Tramea have color in their wings and do not hold them down and forward
habitat: ponds and slow moving water
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 4,7-11 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Red Pondhawk
(Erythemis haematogastra)

New for Jalisco (2017)

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photos: male and young female – RARE IN JALISCO – please report any sightings to iNaturalist
size: medium/large, length 45 - 50 mm, wingspan 72 - 78 mm
male: slender red abdomen usually with thin black rings; S1&2 expanded; brown thorax and small basal wing patches; dark face
female: shaped like male, color duller, face dark; wingtips can be slightly colored
behavior: perches low on vegetation and wood
habitat: found at Rio del Tuito in Yelapa in 2017 & 2019
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 1-3 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Flame-tailed Pondhawk (Erythemis peruviana)

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photos: male and female
size: medium, length 36-43 mm, wingspan 58-70 mm
male: flame-red abdomen contrasts with jet-black thorax; small amount of dark in basal portion of wing; black legs
female: tan face; brown thorax sides with noticeably paler top; abdomen pale brown with dark brown rectangles on side of each segment; pale stigma
behavior: perches on ground or vegetation
habitat: open marshes; heavily vegetated ponds
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 6,10-12 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Claret Pondhawk (Erythemis mithroides)

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photos: male and female
size: medium, length ~38 mm
male: all red with basal brown-red spot in hindwings that extends from front to back
female: light reddish brown without any patterning; pointed ovipositor; wings mostly clear with dark stigma
behavior: perches on the ground or vegetation
habitat: swampy, well-vegetated ponds & still waters
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 6,11-12 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Red-mantled Dragonlet (Erythrodiplax fervida)

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photos: male and female
size: small, 32-36 mm, wingspan ~50 mm
male: red face and eyes, abdomen and thorax red with black patterning; dark red basally on each wing
female: like male but with a pale face; continuous, fairly wide black stripe atop abdomen; can be tan where male is red; ovipositor points straight down; pale appendages; color in wing variable, paler than in male's wings
habitat: ponds and lagoons, slow moving water
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 1-4,9,11,12 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Red Rock Skimmer (Paltothemis lineatipes)

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photos: male and female
size: medium/large, length 44-54 mm, wingspan 90-95 mm
male: abdomen intricately patterned with rusty red and black; face and eyes rusty red; rusty red on inner wings usually almost to nodus, dark stigma; thorax can be olive-brown on sides
female: tan/brown; intricate pattern; no color in wings; no red on body
similar species: male Flame Skimmer has no black on abdomen
habitat: rocky streams
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 2,4,7-12 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Mayan Setwing
(Dythemis maya)

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photos: male and female
size: medium, length 40 - 45 mm, wingspan 72 - 82 mm
male: red body; red-orange basal wing patches; bright red face and eyes
female: like male but orange-brown with dark wingtips
similar species: Cardinal Meadowhawk has white dot on side of thorax and usually a small amount of black at base of wings
behavior: wings held down and forward ("set")
habitat: ponds in the open, slow moving water
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 1,2,5-12 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Cardinal Meadowhawk (Sympetrum illotum)

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photos: male and female
size: small/medium length 32-40 mm, wingspan 55-60 mm
male: cardinal red head, thorax, abdomen, wing veins; red on wings is diffuse only close to body and near the leading edge, wings usually have small dark streaks at extreme base; thorax sides have two white spots/dashes; body with no black, stubby appearance; red legs
female: less colorful; pale red legs; abdomen wider
behavior: wings held down and forward
habitat: ponds, lakes
Jalisco flight months recorded: flies all year
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Neon Skimmer
(Libellula croceipennis)

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photos: male and female
size: medium/large, length 46-59 mm, wingspan 72-90 mm
male: very wide bright neon red/pink abdomen; thorax and underside can be tawny; red on wings only adjacent to body and near leading edge - it does not extend to the nodus; the stigma on each wing has a dark outline
female: wide abdomen is tan/orange with a noticeable pale stripe along the top of the thorax; wings mostly clear, lacking a strong colorful streak, although she has some orange veins, the 2nd vein from front is NOT yellow
similar species: male Flame Skimmer has color in the wings that extends to the nodus fore to back; female Flame Skimmers have more color in their wings with the 2nd vein yellow; their abdomens are not as wide
compare males and females with Flame Skimmers; another comparison
habitat: ponds in the open and slow moving water
Jalisco flight months recorded: known to fly all year
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Flame Skimmer (Libellula saturata)

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photos: male and female
size: medium/large, length 50 - 60 mm, wingspan 85 - 93 mm
male: red-orange face, thorax, abdomen, legs, appendages; red color in the wing extends to the nodus fore to back with a darker basal streak; 2nd vein yellow
female: tan/orange with noticeable pale stripe top of thorax; wings have orange streak at leading edge with the 2nd vein yellow; noticeable flanges near end of abdomen; a few females become male-like in their coloration
similar species: Neon Skimmer is more pink, has wider abdomen; Needham's Skimmer has the color in the wing confined to leading edge
compare males and females with Neon Skimmers another comparison
habitat: ponds in the open and slow moving water
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 1,3-11 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Needham's Skimmer (Libellula needhami)

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photos: male and female – RARE IN JALISCO – please report any sightings to iNaturalist
size: medium/large, length 50 - 60 mm, wingspan 85 - 93 mm
male: red color in the wing confined to leading edge
female: like male but pale yellow color, dark wingtips
similar species: Neon Skimmer is more pink, has wider abdomen; Flame Skimmer has the color in the wing out to nodus
habitat: usually found near the coast; ponds, lakes
Jalisco flight months recorded: month 8 thus far
Jalisco distribution map not yet made!
Mexican distribution map

Hercules Skimmer (Libellula herculea)

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photo: male - unusual in Jalisco - please reportany sightings
size: ~55 mm, wingspan ~85 mm
male: cherry red abdomen with black tip; thorax becomes silvery pruinose on the sides, shiny dark on top; black legs; clear wings with dark veins
female: like male but lacks silver thorax sides and abdomen wider
habitat: ponds, lakes, canals
Jalisco flight months recorded: 7-9, thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Red-tailed Pennant (Brachymesia furcata)
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photo: male and female
size: medium, 38-46 mm, wingspan 66-73 mm
male: Meadowhawk-like; stocky with S2 expanded; face & abdomen red; thorax brown; each abdomen segment with thin dark ring, black spots atop segment 8 & 9; wings have dark veins, amber at base with long stigma; jet black legs; "ski- tipped" appendages
female: brown with pale stripe between wings & at abdomen base; small black spots atop last segments
similar species: Neon and Flame Skimmers have pale legs and color in the wings
habitat: ponds, lakes, canals
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 5-7,10,11 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Red Saddlebags (Tramea onusta)

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photos: male and female
size: large, length 42 - 45 mm, wingspan 80 - 90 mm
male: red body; irregular dark red patch basally in hindwings, often with window at base; black spots atop last 3 segments of abdomen
female: like male but orange-brown with clear wingtips; dark spots atop segments 8-9
similar species: Tramea comparison website
behavior: oviposit in tandem with female dropping by herself to water surface and then picked back up by the male ("Tramea Dance")
habitat: ponds
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 4-12 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Vermilion Saddlebags (Tramea abdominalis)

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photos: males – RARE IN JALISCO – please report any sightings to iNaturalist
size: large, length 44 - 50 mm, wingspan 79 - 87 mm
male: slender red body; narrow dark red basally in wings; black diamond shaped patches atop last 3 segments
female: like male but orange-brown with dark wingtips
behavior: oviposit in tandem with female dropping by herself to water surface and then picked back up by the male ("Tramea Dance")
habitat: ponds
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 3-7 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Striped Saddlebags (Tramea darwini formerly T. calverti)

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photos: male and female – RARE IN JALISCO – please report any sightings to iNaturalist
size: medium, length 45-49 mm, wingspan 80-86 mm
male: 2 pale stripes on sides of thorax; basal color in wing dark and narrow; abdomen tip all dark
female: tawny; 2 broad side stripes on thorax; top of S8-10 of abdomen black
similar species: Antillean Saddlebags lacks stripes on thorax sides as does Red Saddlebags which has larger amount of red at wing bases; Tramea comparison website
behavior: oviposit in tandem with female dropping by herself to water surface and then picked back up by the male ("Tramea Dance")
habitat: warm shallow ponds and other quiet waters, including brackish and temporary
Jalisco flight months recorded: July, thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Variegated Meadowhawk (Sympetrum corruptum)

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photos: male and female – RARE IN JALISCO – please report any sightings to iNaturalist
size: medium, 37-42 mm, wingspan 60-64 mm
male: quite variable; olive-green/gray and reddish plaid, turns redder as it ages, unique white "porthole-like" spots low on abdomen; thoracic stripes not always complete but end in yellow spot;
cranberry eyes; bi-colored stigma
female: like male but less red; more muted &/or pastel
similar species: Cardinal Meadowhawk has all red abdomen
behavior: known migrant
habitat: all slow waters
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 7,8,10-12 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Mexican Amberwing (Perithemis intensa)

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photos: male and female
size: very small, length 23-29 mm, wingspan 41-44 mm
male: small and stubby; all orange colored, including the wings which have pale yellow-orange stigmas and veins, the forewing triangle has 2 cells and the hindwing triangle has crossveins; the thorax is without bold pale patches; immatures are more yellow
female: body like the male; but the wings have amber-orange bands with dark spots, darker stigmas than male but the forewing and hindwing triangles are the same as the male's
similar species: the Eastern Amberwing has whiteish patches on the sides of the thorax, the stigma is red-orange and there is a dark spot at the outer angle of the wing's triangles; Slough Amberwing has the outside of its legs dark and its stigma is orange-red; it perfers to perch in the shade; Compare the Amberwings at this site: Mexican vs Slough vs Eastern Amberwing
behavior: perches in the sun, often on twigs
habitat: slow waters and ponds
Jalisco flight months recorded: known to fly all year
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Eastern Amberwing (Perithemis tenera)

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photos: male and female
size: very small, length 19-25 mm, wingspan 33-43 mm
male: tiny and stubby; wings are yellowish-orange, they may have small dark spots, stigma is reddish; thorax is brownish with two pale side stripes the abdomen is more patterned than that of the Mexican Amberwing
female: brown body; variable dark patched/spotted wings
similar species: Mexican Amberwing has pale stigma and veins with two-celled triangles, Slough Amberwing has outside of legs dark; Compare the Amberwings at this site: Mexican vs Slough vs Eastern Amberwing
habitat: ponds, lakes, slow streams, even brackish waters
behavior: prefers to perch in the sun; mimics wasp behavior by waving wings and abdomen up and down
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 3-10 thus far
Jalisco distribution nap
Mexican distribution map

Note: P. mooma was merged with this species (May 2020)

Slough Amberwing (Perithemis domitia)

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photos: male and female
size: very small, length 22 - 25 mm, wingspan 34 - 41
male: tiny and stubby; sides of thorax with pale stripes; wings reddish-orange with red stigma; outside of legs is dark
female: brown body; basal half of wings amber with dark spots
similar species: Mexican and Eastern Amberwings: Compare the Amberwings at this site: Mexican vs Slough vs Eastern Amberwing
habitat: ponds, river puddles in the shade
behavior: prefers to perch in the shade
Jalisco flight months recorded: known to fly all year
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Wandering Glider (Pantala flavescens)

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photos: male and female
size: 45-49 mm, wingspread: 76 mm
males & females: sexes both marked the same; constantly in flight; golden yellow colored with dark line atop abdomen; clear wings
habitat: ponds in the open; slow moving water
similar species: Spot-winged Glider is browner and has a small basal dark spot on hind wings ; comparison website
behavior: almost constantly in flight; hang perch
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 1-3,6-11 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Spot-winged-Glider (Pantala hymenaea)

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photo: male and female
size: 45-47 mm, wingspread: 75 mm
males & females: constantly in flight; body earth-toned colored with round dark basal spot on hindwings (spot can be difficult to see)
similar species: Wandering Glider is more golden and lacks a small basal dark spot on hind wings ; comparison website
behavior: almost constantly in flight; hang perch
habitat: ponds in the open; slow moving water
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 7-11 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Hyacinth Glider (Miathyria marcella)

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photos: male and female
size: 35-38 mm, wingspan 58-66 mm
male: straw-colored abdomen with amber-tinted wings with noticeable straight dark diffuse basal wingbands and golden wingveins
female: like male, white stripe on thorax side
behavior: constantly in flight; hang perch
habitat: ponds in the open; slow moving water
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 2,3,5-8,10,11 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Dwarf Glider (Miathyria simplex)

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photos: male and female
size: small, 1enghth 28-32 mm, wingspan 48-52 mm
male abdomen dark red; large brown patch at the wing base reaches outward to cover most of triangle with a clear "window", leading veins show red all the way out to the very small stigma; frons NOT metallic violet
female: not all are as thin as this photo; like male but abdomen patterned yellow and brown; no color in wings beyond patch
behavior: constantly in flight; hang perch
habitat: slow moving waters
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 5,10 thus far
Jalisco distribution map not yet made!
Mexican distribution map

Garnet Glider (Tauriphila australis)

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photo: male and female
size: medium, length 40-47 mm, wingspan ~75 mm
male: wings with semicircle basal dark patch, some basal veins red; abdomen red with thin black rings; solid dark thorax
female: like male but less colorful; sometimes only a hint of color in the wings
behavior: constantly in flight; hang perch
habitat: ponds, rivers streams and canals with water hyacinths
Jalisco flight months recorded: month 6 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Aztec Glider (Tauriphila azteca)

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photo: male and female
size: medium, 40-44 mm, wingspan ~75 mm
male and female: earth-toned with strongly patterned abdomen; hind wing with semi-circular basal dark patch, small stigma
similar species: Garnet Glider has red abdomen; Hyacinth Glider has colorful wing veins
behavior: constantly in flight; hang perch
habitat: ponds in the open; slow moving water
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 5-6,8-10 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Brown Setwing (Dythemis sterilis)

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photos: male and female
size: medium and thin, length 37-42 mm, wingspan 30-35 mm
male: very slender abdomen with slender triangles, when mature it is dark pruinose; face pale with eyes capped with brick red; slight basal wing patches
female: like immature male but dull tan or brown; slight basal brown patchea; extreme wing tips are often dark; paired pale triangular markings along side of abdomen very thin as are the striped on the side of thorax
habitat: slow moving streams, rivers and ponds
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 1-4,6-12 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Black Setwing Dythemis nigrescens

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photos: mature male amd female
size: large but thin, length 37-45 mm, wingspan 62-72 mm
male: when mature, pruinose dark thorax with thin abdomen; face and eyes dark with dark metallic frons; no basal wing patches, long dark stigma
female: like immature male with bolder pale marks on thorax and abdomen than a Brown Setwing; wing tips brown; dark metallic frons
habitat: slow moving water
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 1-3,5-11 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Seaside Dragonlet (Erythrodiplax berenice)

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photos: male and females (both male-like & spotted form females shown) – RARE IN JALISCO – please report any sightings to iNaturalist
size: small, length 31-35 mm, wingspan 44 -56 mm
male: all black when mature; wings clear with stigma laterally bi-colored, NO small basal dark patch; immature has yellow on segments 1-7; eyes reddish above
female: (2 forms) 1. the male-like form has S1-7 remaining yellow longer than males; no spots near wing nodus; abdomen becomes dark before thorax 2. spotted form juvenile female has thorax with yellow and black "tiger striping" and wings with brown clouding at nodus
habitat: saline waters; usually found along the coast at sea level
Jalisco flight months recorded: flies all year
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Plateau Dragonlet (Erythrodiplax basifusca)

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photos: male and female
size: small, length 24-34 mm, wingspan 43-53 mm
male: dark abdomen develops thin pale blue pruinosity on abdominal S2-7; face tawny to metallic black; wings clear except hind wing often with small basal dark amber patch, long stigma
female: stubby, golden yellow, interrupted brown side stripe; dark rectangular triangles on S4-8; long stigma
habitat: marshy areas along moving water
Jalisco flight months recorded: known to fly all year
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Blue Rock Skimmer (Paltothemis cyanosoma)

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photos: male with appendages from paratype specimen and female
– RARE IN JALISCO – please report any sightings to iNaturalist
size: medium-large, length 48-51 mm, wingspan ~90mm
male: frons metallic purple; body dark with blue pruinosity on thorax, S1-3&10, slight blue banding at segments; hindwing without a basal spot
female: dark labrum on face, thorax brown, prothorax pale brown with dark brown stripes; abdomen dark brown with yellow spots
behavior: perch on exposed rocks at sunny spots
habitat: streams in woodland or forests at low altitude
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 1,8,10,11 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Blue Dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis)

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photos: male and female
size: medium, length 32-45 mm, wingspan 48-50 mm
male: pruinose blue abdomen, developing a dark tip, tan under segment 1-3; striped thorax can become all blue; teal green/blue eyes with rear edges black; distinctive white face with nose-like black spot with black between the eyes; wings, often held downward, can show brown tinted areas; in CA thorax often becomes completely pruinose
female: rectangular buff marks on dark background; no other is like it; white face
similar species: Speckled Dashers also have white faces and blue pruinosity on the abdomen, but all have some pale markings on the upper abdomen; Western Pondhawks have GREEN faces and alternating green and black spots on the rear of the eyes (visible from the side or from behind)
behavior: unlike Pondhawks, don't perch on ground or floating vegetation unless it is windy
habitat: ponds, slow waters
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 5-8 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map
Western Pondhawk (Erythemis collocata)

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photos: male and female – RARE IN JALISCO – please report any sightings to iNaturalist
size: small/medium, length 39-42 mm, wingspan 63-65 mm
male: pruinose blue with bright green face; deep blue eyes with the rear edges having alternating green and black spots; dark appendages; immature like female, the blue color is pruinosity where the thorax is the last to turn blue, no dark patches/spots/bands
female: emerald green body with pale and dark areas along abdomen; white appendages; spout-like ovipositor
similar species: Eastern Pondhawk males have white appendages as do the females which are also more patterned; comparison website with Eastern Pondhawk; Blue Dashers have white faces and all black on the rear of the eyes
behavior: usually perches low, often on or near the ground or on floating vegetation; known to eat other dragonflies
habitat: ponds; pools of creeks and rivers
Jalisco flight months recorded: month 7 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Eastern Pondhawk (Erythemis simplicollis)

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photos: male and female
size: medium, length 36-48 mm, wingspan 63-65 mm
male: pruinose blue with bright green face; deep blue eyes have rear edges with alternating green and black spots; white appendages; immature colored like female with the blue color (pruinosity) on the thorax the green stays the longest; wings with no dark patches/spots/bands
female: emerald green body with pale and dark areas along abdomen; white appendages; spout-like ovipositor
similar species: Western Pondhawk males have dark appendages as do the females which are also less patterned; comparison website with Western Pondhawk; Blue Dashers have white faces and the rear of the eyes is all dark
behavior: usually perches low, often on or near the ground or on floating vegetation; known to eat other dragonflies;
males display white appendages held upward in a spiraling duel face to face with other males
habitat: ponds; pools of creeks and rivers
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 9,10 thus far
Jalisco distribution map not yet made!
Mexican distribution map

Great Pondhawk (Erythemis vesiculosa)

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photos: male and female
size: large, length 55 - 65 mm, wingspan 80 - 82 mm
male: narrow long green abdomen with dark and pale bands; green face, eyes green-gray; appendages white; juvenile has green stigma; wary; often flies with abdomen raised 30 degrees
female: like male; eyes dark brown; thin abdomen with short inconspicuous ovipositor
habitat: ponds; pools of creeks and rivers
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 1-4,6-12 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Pin-tailed Pondhawk (Erythemis plebeja)

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photos: male and 2 females
size: medium, length 41 - 48 mm, wingspan 64 - 75 mm
male: when fully mature, all black including face; clear wings with small dark basal patch & pale yellow stigma; legs all black; long narrow abdomen with bulbous S1-2, yellow appendages; when immature, abdomen patterned yellow & dark
female: like immature male; much less black on abdomen; noticeable scoop-like ovipositor under S9 points straight downward; wings clear; can become almost as dark as male with maturity
behavior: perches with wings held down and forward
habitat: slow moving water
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 1-4,6-12 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Black Pondhawk (Erythemis attala)

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photos: mature male and female
size: medium, length 42 - 44 mm, wingspan 69 - 80 mm
male: when mature all black except for pale appendages; hindwings with large black basal spot; immature colored black and yellow like female
female: paired yellow spots atop S3-6; basal spot on hind wing is smaller and paler than on male; conspicuous spout under tail end; some females become all black
habitat: ponds with shaded edges - often found in dense vegetation like cattails
Jalisco flight months recorded: recorded in months 1-5,9-12 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Blue-eyed Setwing (Dythemis nigra) New to Jalisco List 2017

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photos: males and a female in flight – RARE IN JALISCO – please report any sightings to iNaturalist
size: small/medium, 34-41 mm, wingspan 56-58 mm
male: blue eyes; white face, top of frons dark metallic blue; wings held forward; patterned thin abdomen with largest spot on S7, no spot on S6
female: metallic blue frons; wingtips may be dark; 2 broad yellow spots sides of S2; small rounded bluish spot side of S7
similar species: Thornbush Dasher lacks facial metallic dark spot; abdomen has larger pale spots including S6
habitat: so far found only in Yelapa on east side of Rio del Tuito about a quarter mile above Manguito Restaurant (slow moving water)
Jalisco fight season: months 1,2,10,11 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Thornbush Dasher (Micrathyria hagenii)

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Photo: male and female
size: small, length 31-36 mm, wingspan 45-52 mm
male: white face; patterned abdomen with twin spots on S7 that have rounded notches top and bottom; stripe on side of thorax forked at the top
female: like male but more heavily patterned atop the wider abdomen, with paired elongate spots
similar species: Spot-tailed Dasher has pale markings that are quite small until the large ones on S7, lacks spots atop S6; Square-spotted Dasher - large spots on S7 have square shape without notches, slightly clubbed, thinner stripes atop other segments; see a comparison of 4 dasher species here
habitat: ponds, slow moving water
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 1,2,4,5,7-11 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Spot-tailed Dasher (Micrathyria aequalis)

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photos: male and female
size: small, length 28-33 mm, wingspan 45-52 mm
male: white face, blue-green eyes; mostly pruinose blue-gray abdomen is slender, esp. mid segments, widened at end with a pair of twin pale triangles atop S7; striped thorax top and sides more noticeable in immatures, abdomen, turns darker pruinose at maturity
female: can become pruinose similar to male but often heavily patterned on the thorax and with a double line of dots atop the abdomen culminating in two triangles on S7
behavior: female lands to oviposit, fastening eggs to the underside of a leaf
habitat: ponds, slow moving water
similar species: abdomen tips of Dusky and Square-spotted Dashers have square spots; 3-striped Dasher has trapezoidal spots
see a comparison of 4 dasher species here
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 1-8,10-12 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Square-spotted Dasher (Micrathyria ocellata)

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photos: males and female (insert)
size: small-medium, length 28 - 33 mm, wingspan 45 - 52 mm
male: white face; pale stripes on the thorax sides and front with a dark stripe extending down from the rear edge of the hindwing; abdomen is distinctly shorter than the hindwing, end of abdomen is expanded with paired spots that are more square-shaped than elongate, lacking notches, upper appendages are convergent
female: heavily patterned on the thorax and abdomen, with twin spots near an expanded abdomen tip
similar species: Spot-tailed has rearward pointed spots on tail; Dusky Dasher has pruinose thorax; Caribbean Dasher has abdomen longer than hindwing
habitat: ponds, slow moving water
Jalisco flight months recorded: known to fly all year
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Three-striped Dasher (Micrathyria didyma)

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photos: male and female
size: small - medium, length 33 - 37 mm, wingspan 52 - 67 mm
male: blue-green eyes; white face; swollen end of abdomen with white twin trapezoidal spots which are very narrowly separated;
side of thorax has complex 3 parallel but uneven black and pale green stripes
female: like male but abdomen less clubbed at tip;wings clear or dark at tips
similar species: see a comparison of 4 dasher species here
habitat: ponds in the open; slow moving water
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 1-4,6-8,10-12 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Dusky Dasher (Micrathyria schumanni)

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photos: male and female
size: small - medium, length 30 - 33 mm, wingspan 52 - 57 mm
male: like Spot-tailed Dasher but with abdomen brown and spots atop tail square, not pointed at end; frons metallic blue
female: an almost plain, brown abdomen. see this link
habitat: ponds
behavior: perches on twigs and vegetation
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 1,5-10,12 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Black Dasher (Micrathyria atra)

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photos: male – RARE IN JALISCO – please report any sightings to iNaturalist
size: small, length ~32 mm, wingspan ~66 mm
male:white face, blue-green eyes; pruinose blue-gray on only S1-3 rest of abdomen is black and without any expansion, spots atop S7 are rectangular; the thorax top is black and the sides are mildly marked
female: under study/being described by Enrique Gonz lez Soriano
similar species: other dashers have marks atop some of the other abdominal segments &/or are not black atop the thorax
habitat: ponds, slow moving water, especially mangroves swamps
Jalisco flight months recorded: month 8 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Upland Dasher (Micrathyria paulsoni) NEW species described 2020

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photos: male and female – RARE IN JALISCO – please report any sightings to iNaturalist
male: white face, blue-green eyes, top of frons metallic blue; two wide pale green stripes on sides of thorax, thorax top is black with thin pale stripes; pruinose blue-gray on only S1-3, S4&5 with small pale triangular marks on sides, S6 all black, spots atop S7 are rectangular
female: like male but top thoracic stripes a bit wider, abdomen with S3-5 with backwards pointing darts
similar species: Black Dasher has fewer marks on abdominal segments & other dashers are not black atop the thorax
habitat: upland ponds surrounded by forest, slow moving water
Jalisco flight months recorded: month 6-8 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Dasher sp. (Micrathyria sp.)

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photos: males (these photos are somewhat non-typical for the species Micrathyria ocellata
could represent a new species and not just variation).
size: small-medium, length 28 - 33 mm, wingspan 45 - 52 mm
male: similar to Square-spotted Dasher (Micrathyria ocellata) but the pale stripes on the thorax sides form a loop at the bottom; end of abdomen somewhat more expanded than other Dasher spp. and with square-shaped spots S7
female: TBD
habitat: ponds, slow moving water
Jalisco flight months recorded: found in January & February in Yelapa thus far
Jalisco distribution map not yet made, found in Yelapa!
NO Mexican distribution map

Sierra Madre Sylph (Macrothemis ultima)

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photo: male and female
size: small - medium, length 36 - 39 mm, wingspan 53 - 68 mm
male: dark, patterned abdomen expanded near tip with paired elongate spots atop S8; blue eyes; mirror image L's atop thorax; stripes on sides of thorax joined to form a loop at top; dark face; clear wings
female: like male but with dark amber wash at tip and at base of wings
habitat: moving water
behavior: perches on vegetation, often spider lily leaves
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 1-5,8,9,11 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Jade-striped Sylth (Macrothemis inequiunguis)

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photo: male and female
size: small, length 32-36 mm, wingspan 50-62 mm
male: dark, patterned abdomen with expanded tip with paired oval spots atop S8; stripes on sides of thorax, dark face; wings have basal amber wash
female: like male but with dark amber wash at tip and at base of wings
habitat: small rocky streams and rivers in the forest
behavior: hang perch on vegetation or atop leaves
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 2,7-8 thus far
Jalisco distribution map not yet made!
Mexican distribution map

White-tailed Sylph (Macrothemis pseudimitans)

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photos: male and female
size: medium/large, length 35 - 43 mm, wingspan 60 - 67 mm
male: dark species with dark "clubbed" tail which at maturity develops a large pruinose white area on S6-9; dark thorax has 2 pale blue triangular stripes on top and spots on sides;
bright blue eyes; metallic blue frons
female: similar but darker brown color; abdomen not clubbed; wing tips clear
habitat: slow moving water
behavior: male flies short beats over the water landing occasionally on rocks in the stream or on sand near river shoreline habitat: slow moving water
Jalisco flight months recorded: flies all year
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Delta-fronted Sylph (Macrothemis hemichlora)

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photos: male and female – RARE IN JALISCO – please report any sightings to iNaturalist
size: 27-35 mm
male: blue eyes; pale, mirror-image triangles atop thorax; dark abdomen strongly patterned with pale spots & widely expanded near tip with large expanded paired tear-drop shaped spots atop segment 8; lower thoracic stripe shaped like the letter "r"
female: like male but with dark amber wash at tip of and base of wings
behavior: often perches by clinging to leaf edges
habitat: streams
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 2,9 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Slender Clubskimmer (Brechmorhoga praecox)

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photos: males and female
size: medium/large, length 47-53 mm, wingspan 72-74 mm
male: slender, somewhat clubbed abdomen with paired pale yellow spots atop S7 that are spatulate in shape; wings with two rows of cells in the anal loop, brown at base of wings; aqua eyes
female: like male but wings may be yellow or pale brown, always has brown at base of wing; abdomen not as clubbed
behavior: hang perch
similar species: all Brechmorhoga are very similar, see this webpage
habitat: moving waters of sandy rivers and streams - found on the Yelapa River at the town bridge
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 1,3,6-8 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Vivacious Clubskimmer (Brechmorhoga vivax)

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photos: male and female – RARE IN JALISCO – please report any sightings to iNaturalist
size: medium, length ~45 mm, wingspan ~72 mm
male: 2 continuous cell rows between the basal edge of the wing and the anal loop (the boot ); S3 with green stripe on each side that does not come together with the sideways bottom green line
female: like male but less clubbed in appearance
behavior: hang perch
similar species: all Brechmorhoga are very similar
habitat: moving waters of sandy rivers and streams - found on the Horicon River below the Vallarta Botanical Gardens
Jalisco flight months recorded: month 11 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Common Blue-eye (Anatya guttata)

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photos: male and female – RARE IN JALISCO – please report any sightings to iNaturalist
size: medium, length ~43 mm, wingspan ~52 mm
male: blue eyes and thoracic marks; white face with dark spot; dark abdomen with pale blue marking on S1-3 and yellow on S4-9; appendages yellow; upper legs yellow and lower legs dark
female: like male but paler - more yellowish on thorax and abdomen
behavior: mostly perch in shade, can be found in sunlight
habitat: swampy ponds and still pools in forested streams
Jalisco flight months recorded: months 10,11 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Note: formerly A. normalis

Straw-colored Sylph (Macrothemis inacuta)

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photos: male and female
size: medium/large, length 41 - 48 mm, wingspan 66 - 74 mm
male: distinctive, very slender cylindrical yellowish-brown abdomen; white slashes on top and sides of thorax; pearly blue eyes
female: similar; sometimes amber tint to forewing tips and/or at hindwing base; pale legs with dark "knees and feet"
behavior: hang perch
habitat: slow moving water; sometimes ponds
Jalisco flight months recorded: found 2,4-6,8-11 thus far
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Evening Skimmer (Tholymis citrina)

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photos: male and female – RARE IN JALISCO – please report any sightings to iNaturalist
size: medium/large, length 48-53 mm, wingspan ~ 75 mm
male: steel-blue eyes; long tapered pale brown body; clear wings with pale amber nodal patch on hind wing; long straight upper appendages
female: like male but with appendages spreading; both sexes have an "open-toed" anal loop in the hindwing
behavior: hang perch; crepuscular
habitat: shallow ponds and marshes
Jalisco flight months recorded: month 6 thus far
Jalisco distribution map not yet made!
Mexican distribution map

Black-winged Dragonlet (Erythrodiplax funerea)

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photos: mature male and female; atypical male
size: medium, length 38-42 mm, wingspan 52-70 mm
male: slender and black; wings black from near base to halfway between nodus and stigma (does not touch stigma, wings can be clear at base; immature has yellow on S1-7, similar to female
female: spotted form - slender black body with round black spot at hind wing base, other form - tan/brown; with front of thorax darker than the sides; dark wingtips
some female Black-winged Dragonlets have basal wing markings just like Black Pondhawks, but the pondhawks never show a trace of pruinosity on the abdomen and don't have a pale stripe between the wings. She will have wing venation with two rows of cells in the radial planate and two rows in the medial planate
habitat: ponds in the open; slow moving water
Jalisco flight months recorded: known to fly all year
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Note: Band-winged Dragonlet (E. umbrata) not expected in Jalisco

Filigree Skimmer (Pseudoleon superbus)

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photo: male and female
size: medium length 38 - 45 mm, wingspan 63 - 73 mm
male: wings variably dark & lacy, sometimes almost all dark, but tips mostly clear; brown body with pale chevrons, body ages to nearly all black; eyes are striped and when mature are nearly all black
female: lace pattern on wings more open; spout-like ovipositor
behavior: perch low, often on rocks/debris/sandbars, often in oblique posture; at a distance can look just like a dry leaf!
habitat: ponds, rocky areas of rivers with slow moving
Jalisco flight months recorded: known to fly all year
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

Desert Whitetail (Plathemis subornata)

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photo: male and female – RARE IN JALISCO – please report any sightings to iNaturalist
size: medium, length 40-52 mm, wingspan 64-76 mm
male: pruinose white abdomen; wings with 2 narrow zigzag black bands, middle third usually fills in dark, basal half of wings have extensive white pruinosity; dark appendages
female: brown body with paired yellow oblong spots; 2 pale, jagged thoracic stripes; each wing has dual zigzag bands, clear wing tips
similar species: Common Whitetail not found in Jalisco, has much less white in wings
habitat: desert springs, ponds, lakes
Jalisco flight months recorded: months TBD
Jalisco distribution map not yet made!
Mexican distribution map

Hoary Skimmer (Libellula nodisticta)

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photo: male and female – RARE IN JALISCO – please report any sightings to iNaturalist
size: medium/large, length 46-52 mm, wingspan 76-82 mm
male: thorax and abdomen pruinose blue-gray; thorax of immature has 2 broken yellow stripes; wings have small dark area at base and at nodus, basal dark wing area becomes surrounded by white, black stigma; no other white on wings
female: dark gray/brown with row of yellow dashes along abdomen side; when mature can turn pruinose like male
similar species: Twelve-spotted Skimmers have dark wingtips; not found in Jalisco
habitat: springs; spring-fed streams
Jalisco flight months recorded: TBD
Jalisco distribution map not yet made!
Mexican distribution map

Gray-waisted Skimmer (Cannaphila insularis)

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photo: male, immature and mature females – RARE IN JALISCO – please report any sightings to iNaturalist
size: medium/large, length 46-52 mm, wingspan 76-82 mm
male: wings narrower than in most Skimmers, lacking any color; abdomen dark with gray-blue pruinosity developing on S2-3; face is pale with dark eyes and top of frons
female: like immature male with brown and yellow coloration but with noticeable flange used for ovipositing; dark wingtips; can become all dark with gray pruinosity
habitat: marshy ponds, lakes and streams
Jalisco flight months recorded: July
Jalisco distribution map
Mexican distribution map

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Spiketails (Cordulegaster)
1 genera/species documented in Jalisco.
All the Spiketails are long with black and yellow coloration.
The American genus was split from the continental genus in 2024 and now is Zoraena.
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Apache Spiketail (Cordulegaster Zoraena diadema)
photos: male and a female ovipositing – RARE IN JALISCO – please report any sightings to iNaturalist
size: lenght 74-88 mm, wingspan 89-109 mm
male: the abdomen is dark with yellow rings, S6-8 mildy expanded; the dark thorax has 2 yellow stripes on top and on the sides; the blue-green eyes just touch at the interior points.
female: similar to the male; the long abdomen ends in a spike-like ovipositor.
habitat: small streams, usually in the foothills.
behavior: they perch by hanging and the females oviposit in a vertical position.
flight month in Jalisco: months 9,10,12 thus far
No Jalisco distribution map yet Four municipalities.
Mexican distribution map

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River Cruisers (Macromia)
1 genera/species documented in Jalisco.
All the River Cruisers have black coloration with yellow markings.
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Western River Cruiser (Macromia magnifica)

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photos: scans of a live male and a live female – RARE IN JALISCO – please report any sightings to iNaturalist
size: lenght 68-74 mm, wingspan 86-100 mm
male: the abdomen is black with yellow markings; pale face; pearly gray eyes touch each other; dark thorax has single yellow side stripe; only half-length stripe on top of thorax; slightly clubbed abdomen has squared yellow spots top, segment 8 spot largest; very long legs
female: similar to the male, not clubbed
habitat: streams and rivers in lowlands
behavior: they perch by hanging and the males patrol along river shoreline with the abdomen slightly arched, usually less than a yard above the water.
flight month in Jalisco: month 11 thus far
No Jalisco distribution map yet Rio Mascota, Mascota municipality.
Mexican distribution map

anal loop: cluster of cells that are foot-shaped in the hind wing of some skimmers
appendages: extensions from the tip of the abdomen. Males use theirs to grasp the female during mating.
appendages: extensions from the tip of the abdomen. Males use theirs to grasp the female during mating; unique shape for each species
cf: from the latin "conferre," meaning "to compare," used in biology to represent uncertain identification but similiar to the indicated species
club: referring to the expanded abdomen end, often seen on male Clubtails and a few other species
costa: leading vein of wing
frons: the uppermost part of the "face," like our forehead, but situated below and between the eyes
crepuscular: active at dusk/dawn only
labrum: part of the "face," akin to an upper lip
nodus: indentation at midpoint of wing
ovipositor/oviposit: structure for egg laying near the end of the female's abdomen/act of laying eggs
pruinose/pruinosity: waxy coating a dragonfly can secrete to cover its original coloration, like the waxy coating on a plum
S(1-10): segment on abdomen, with S1 nearest the head
stigma: small thickened area on leading edge of each wing, sometimes colored
To proceed to the page with the Darners or Clubtails, click here Clubtails & Darners
or to go to the page with the Damselflies, click here Damselflies (Zygoptera)

Please report sightings of new or rare species or questions to Kathy Biggs or iNaturalist.org

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