Directions to the Shasta River @ Hudson Rd. Site
aka A Slice of Heaven,
located ~7 miles north of Yreka, Siskiyou County

From the South:
From I-5 - Take the 3rd (last) Yreka exit, go under the overpass and then turn right (North) onto the old Hwy, named Hwy 236.
Go approx. 7 miles to a HIDDEN exit to Hudson Road on the left just before this gorgeous WPA Bridge.

From the North:
From I-5 - Take the Collier's Rest Stop/Willow Creek exit. Head south and go across the Klamath River staying on Hwy 236. Turn right immediately after you cross the gorgeous WPA Bridge onto the HIDDEN exit to Hudson Road.
This is the view of the bridge from Hudson Road. There are houses here, drive carefully. Soon after you drive under the bridge the private property ends and you are on National Forest Land.

You drive ~1 mile along the dirt road before you come to a "picnic" site opening in the blackberry/poison oak growth. Park next to the big Pine tree.

From this site go down to the water's edge, and if feasible, wade across (a walking stick/net handle is helpful!!).
Also walk up and down the road to look for Odes, Leps, etc. and hopefully you'll be serenaded the whole time by Chats, Warlblers, maybe a Canyon Wren and others.
Often the Clubtails at this site along the road are so unwary that you can almost pick them up!!
DO NOT attempt to drive the whole loop - the far end of the road where it rejoins the Hwy is badly eroded.

Please send a report of what you see to the CalOdes Yahoo Group &/or the Western Odonata Facebook page!
Or, if you are shy about groups, to me, Kathy Biggs

Here are a few images from our visit on May 7, 2016.
Pacific Clubtail
River Jewelwing male
female River Jewelwing
American Rubyspot male
Variable Checkerspot butterfly

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